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Paying someone to fillet your catch - Page 3
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Thread: Paying someone to fillet your catch

  1. #31

    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    Against all of the sentiments by the people who are ridiculing the original poster, I have to say that whilst I would never pay anyone to fillet my fish, it is not a chore that I look forward to after a fishing session, either. Indeed, it is rare that I would fillet the fish on the same day because I am often too buggered after a trip.

    My wife usually offers to do it for me but I reckon that as I am the one who got the enjoyment out of catching them, I should be the one who does the yucky stuff also.

    I have a good fish cleaning table but it is still a chore when you catch a few and cleaning something like a big jew is like dressing a sheep.

    Click for full size - Uploaded with Skitch


  2. #32

    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    Wait till you have paddled 15 or 20km in a kayak and then have a few fish to fillet when you get home. Needless to say they dont get done the same day

  3. #33

    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    Quote Originally Posted by charleville View Post
    Against all of the sentiments by the people who are ridiculing the original poster, I have to say that whilst I would never pay anyone to fillet my fish, it is not a chore that I look forward to after a fishing session, either. Indeed, it is rare that I would fillet the fish on the same day because I am often too buggered after a trip.

    My wife usually offers to do it for me but I reckon that as I am the one who got the enjoyment out of catching them, I should be the one who does the yucky stuff also.

    I have a good fish cleaning table but it is still a chore when you catch a few and cleaning something like a big jew is like dressing a sheep.

    Click for full size - Uploaded with Skitch

    to be honest I am stuffed too after a days fishing and cleaning the fish is thought to be a chore

    I do however love cleaning fish I love cleaning the days catch whilst the skipper tends to his boat (as only he knows how)

    fish filleting is a skill I keep trying to master as is sharpening a knife, I keep reading on A/F to learn more

    so I went out in my boat and fished for 8 hours on Monday and bought nothing home so i got to clean the boat without stress of cleaning fish

    cheers murf

  4. #34
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    How good is that filletting machine!!!

    I'm hearing you Charleville - try to fillet a big red is no easy task either.....that bone behind the back of their head is as hard as a rock.

    Thanks Shane C I will keep that in mind. Just so you all know, I dont actually mind paying someone to do it, money, bait a fillet.. I had a mate in Rocky who worked as a decky and he'd nailed out about 30 plus fish an hour, skinned and boned. 30 Fish takes me about 3 times as long!

    I probably should do as most of you said and keep practicing to get better. I live in a block of units as well so I dont really have the facilities although if I start dropping some frames down the back creek, I might get that croc from Nudgee to come visit.

  5. #35
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    Oh just one other quick question - just double checking but can you fillet at sea? Isnt there a size limit eg the fillets have to be bigger than 45cm or something? You just have the leave the skin on?

  6. #36

    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    hey guys
    read this and had a chuckle---- s***T mate take me fishin and i'll fillet the lot..

    you have to clean the boat--- fairs fair


  7. #37

    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Ronnie H View Post
    hey guys
    read this and had a chuckle---- s***T mate take me fishin and i'll fillet the lot..

    you have to clean the boat--- fairs fair

    haha I keep putting in very subtle hints

    cheers Murf

  8. #38
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
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    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    G'day NF,

    the way I read the regs and had bill corten explain them to me recently, there is no restriction in filleting Rocky fin fish at sea, the problem is reef fin fish - the fillets have a minimum size - somewhere around 45cm as my memory goes but I certainly stand to be corrected - and the regs may well have changed - the bureaucrats love justifying their jobs by changing the rulZ!



    Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved, Gabriel Marcel

  9. #39
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
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    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    I thought the fillet had to be 40 cm with the skin on

  10. #40
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
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    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    found it
    Skin, fillet and pectoral fin removal
    In relation to coral reef fin fish, a recreational fisher:
    • must not possess on board a boat a fish other than in any of the following forms—whole, gilled, gutted or filleted
    • may possess on board a boat a fillet of a fish other than a blue spotted coral trout (Chinese footballer) as long as the length of the fillet is at least 40 cm, and the skin and scales of the fillet are attached to the fillet
    • must not return fish to a boat that have been taken ashore from a boat and filleted, unless the length of the fillet is at least 40 cm and the skin of the fillet is attached to the fillet
    • must not possess a dead coral reef fin fish unless a pectoral fin has been removed from the fish

    copied and pasted from here

  11. #41

    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    coral reef fin fish, a recreational fisher:
    • must not possess on board a boat a fish other than in any of the following forms—whole, gilled, gutted or filleted

    so does that mean you CAN fillet coral reef fin fish at sea (from a NSW bloke)

    cheers Murf

  12. #42
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
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    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    yes as long as the fillet has skin on and is over 40 cm in length

  13. #43

    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    Quote Originally Posted by STUIE63 View Post
    yes as long as the fillet has skin on and is over 40 cm in length
    you have to be careful how you read it and read all of it

    cheers Murf

  14. #44

    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    Its simple, the more you fillet n skin the quicker and better you will get, and good sharp knifes are a must.

    After a while it becomes so quick and easy its a breeze!


  15. #45

    Re: Paying someone to fillet your catch

    Quote Originally Posted by murf View Post
    haha I keep putting in very subtle hints

    cheers Murf

    no hints--just seems fair that you do one or the other fillet or clean boat

    ps-- just maybe i can fish and fillet as god as anyone here.

    What next -- pay someone to bait the hook


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