It's Dads Birthday tomorrow & he's rounding 80& has spent his whole life fishing - but after prolonged hospital stays recently he hasn't been out fishing for ages & can't go boating as such - so can anyone suggest anywhere I can take him to fish off the bank -he lives in the Oxley area (Brisbane QLD) - but I will pick him up & go for an "adventure"
for the day, so I can drive "N E S W" within reason. I know the Brisbane River is just behind him but is there really anything in there these days?? or more to the point can an old fella get in & out of the bank area?? ( I can hear him now - "I'm not bloody useless you know!!"
Anyway I have brought him a new flash rod & tackle box (knew that yellow bucket from the boat show would come in handy) and though a few hours spent fishing would do him more good than harm - if a) I don't get lost & b) one of us dosen't fall in
Thanks in advance for your suggestions
Sammy & Daddy + 1 Granddaughter xx