After the build of our new boat and the long tow home I was keen to get out for a fish. It had been nine months since I'd been to the reef and shoals off Townsville, so after getting home on Sunday with the new boat arrangements were made for a trip for Monday night.
Matt and I launched late Monday arvo and headed for one of my shoal spots. The run was a bit bumpy with about 20kts from the east, but the new Origin handled it nicely. Arriving at our spot about 9pm and the lines went over. Matt got the first fish in the boat, which was a dirty tea leaf trevor. My first fish was what I was hoping for. A large mouth nannygai around 6kg. We opted to drift, but should have put in the time to anchor. By the time we called it a night around midnight, we had four nannygai to 7kg and two good grunter.
Next morning we were underway at 6am, headed for Broadhurst Reef arriving about 8am. We sounded around the 35m line and found some great shows. By midday we had our bag of trout. The trout ranged from just legal to a number of good fish in the 3-4kg bracket. Matt also had three good trout sharked. We also caught RTE, 2 spanish at 14kg, plus a smaller model spanish. The standout fish was a huge moari wrasse that took my pillie that was meant for a trout. After comparing it to the spanish I'd have to call it for about 30kg. Actually I'm surprised I got it to the boat, it was such a powerfull fish. It then took us close on an hour to successfully release the wrasse. We used a release weight with 7 big snapper leads tied to it. We were both relieved to see this great fish go back.
The pics aren't anywhere near as good as Nic was in Brisbane for work, but there is a "deck of death" shot and a few others. So far as the new boat went, well I reckon it was awesome. So much room, the layout with the walk around fish box/work station worked very well and conveniently. The ride and performance was also great.
Hope you enjoy my rough pics of Alchemy's first blood.