firsly we need to understand that 27Mhz marine is AM ( amplitude modulated ) and VHF marine is FM frequency modulated.
FM by its very nature has far greater immunity to inteerferance and AM.
Any radio signal that is AM is very prone to interfeerance and regardless of best efforts sometimes it is hard to solve an interferance problem
Other manufacturers seem to manage.
The problem with the EMCFW, is that there is a strong requirement to comply, but there is no widespread enforcement of compliance and it is almost copmpletely self administered.
The only time you will get busted is if there is a the last few decades inforcement of radio interfeerance has been pretty piss weak.
with these new electroniclay injected motors there are now 3 major sources of possible interferance.
the ignition system
the charging system
and now
the injection system
motor manufacturers have been strugling with interfeerance from ignitions and charging systems for decades, so the methods have been pretty common knoweledge.
Evenrude these days are a 1 trick pony and simply do not have the wide engineering resources and experience of the car they may not have come up with a solution.
we dont seem to be hearing of similar problems from suzuki, honda and yamaha.
I would be interested to see where the electrical noise is it radiated in free air or is it escaping via the cables comming out of the powerhead.
either way there are pretty standard methods that could be used to solve the issue.
some of them as simple as putting some sort of metalic material in the plastic the motor shoud is made off or just coating the inside with shielding paint.
In this day and age I am disapointed that such this are still a problem.