Hi guys sounds like there are certainly some that know where and how to catch huge amounts of whiting as seen in reports. my only problem is the amount kept. Im not sure of fish numbers in that area but i know most other estuaries seem to be fished out or struggling. surely even though its legal to take 50 home is it really necessary to be keeping such a big bag limit?
By all means keep fishing but what about releasing a few after you catch a feed?
I just feel that its not really teaching people to be thinking about being sustainable when fishing
I suppose i just think bag limits are there, but i don't thinkwe should be aiming to reach them everytime. And yes if they are eaten and not thrown out that's great.
Personally i think i'd probably be teaching my kids to keep a feed plus a few extras and then catch and release. It stems back from me thinking about the fish around when i was a kid compared to now just seems a lot harder.
I certainly can't see why they have such a high bag limit. I don't mean to knock anyone or what they do its your right to keep the limit. I apologise if i offend anyone it was only a point i felt should be mentioned.