It has been on 4BC this afternoon. Wildlife Preservation Society, and Mr Williams, the author of the article, have admitted a photo used was a set up, a fake. They should be jailed for thsat and have, IMHO, lost all credibility.
they have no real evidence so they just make it up to prove their warm fuzzy radical idealism
cheers Murf
Heard it listening to Nugget talking to Michael SMith on the afternoon programme.
Yeh mate but it was in creeks down there, I don't doub't for 1 sec you could catch a platypus and all sorts of critters if you used them in a creek and maybe they should be banned in our creeks. The redclawers in SEQ use the traps in dams where there is minimal bycatch (and zero platypus so far) in traps with rings but the animal libers want a blanket ban in QLD.