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2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc. - Page 59
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Thread: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

  1. #871

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by lucky_phill View Post
    everyone will get a text message or be notified if the cook_off is rescheduled.

    That call should be made friday.... In the am. So if you ferets turn up and don't see my boat at sunlover, then you'll know where i am :p

    long range weather forecast............ My sweet fanny adams.............. Anyone who can get that right.....8 days in advance needs to change job and make a motza in the media....

    Play it be ear ferets......

    No worries noel, i will let peter know.

    Why do people keep mentioning backpackers ???? :-x let alone red headed ones.. :-x :-x :-x wazza not me !!

    here ye here ye here ye
    there will not be a cancellation of the cookoff on the saturday night as this the call of only 1 person. ROZ. It was my kicking of her arse with my thai chilli cuttlefish over her bland, boring chilli mud crab 6 years ago that started all this off. so back up pink p00fter drink drinker. Not your call. Dont matter if ROZ is there or not it is her comp pal. TO CANCEL, INTERFERE WITH OR CHANGE TRADITION IS INVITING TROUBLE
    Anyone not attending the saturday night cookoff will be keelhauled (while the props are running on the berty) then hung, drawn and quartered. Then phucked by robbie

    NEWBY T.G.

  2. #872

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    Far kin hell..... What a week....What a year....
    Anyway, Going to the berty to start the bitch tomorrow hopefully and make the list of needed supplies. As per the usual, we will come down via motor vehicle on Saturday for the cook off and return home Sunday with me leaving in the Bertram either Sunday or Monday and heading for the deep blue sea.
    This year it is avachats turn to accompany me on the trip (Justin, the 11 year old son) At least I won't fall asleep
    So all being well, the Berty has not suffered any ailments with its 9 1/2 month layoff and I shall once again sample the serenity of the ocean out wide and all its fruits.Lastly, if you are considering rafting up to the berth at any stage, be warned that there is a ban on
    P00FY PINK DRINKS and the GAYLORDS that drink them.
    NEWBY T.G.

  3. #873

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    Wow, the beast has woken! Been a while!

  4. #874

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    News Flash.

    Due to unrest amongst the natives and a rude awakening, a Declaration of Tradition has been declared.

    The 2011 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 Cook-Off will be held, come hell or high water, on Saturday evening 10th September from 6pm at Tranquility.

    It is further declared that any member of the M & G who has attended the M & G's for 6 years or more can drink...... any coloured drink they friggin like Long Service Privileges Apply.

    Further to the Declaration of Tradition, a Friday Night assembly at Ye Old'e Agnes Tavern by attending members of the AAAW1770M&G is mandatory.

    I will send out one last email to all attendees before I head up next week.

    AS Joe the cameraman, once said about the NSW footy side "

    " Can't play, Can't drink and Can't fight ". as a matter of fact, they..... Can't.

    oooooooohhhhhhhhhh I'll pay for that one

    cheers LP

    ><> ><> ><> ><> ><>
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  5. #875

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post
    Further to the Declaration of Tradition, a Friday Night assembly at Ye Old'e Agnes Tavern by attending members of the AAAW1770M&G is mandatory.

    ><> ><> ><> ><> ><>
    I wonder if I can make the Tav by 5pm friday (leaving at 12pm Brisbane). I can manage about 350km before a fuel stop on the Trumpy at the moment. Avg speed 120kph and 130kph in the 110 zones. Hmmm.

    I am starting to regret spending several weeks sailing on the Endeaour, its chewing right into my fishing time. Lucinda cancelled, 1770 cancelled.... I need more leave time...

  6. #876

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.


    it is about 467k's from your place to the Agnes Tavern..... via Bundy.

    You have a fair bit of 110kph zone, but there is also 30k's of 90kph zone, 50kph through Tiaro & Childers ( I by-pass Childers ) road works and a fuel stop. Traffic should not be a problem.

    If ya want to travel lighter, I can find you a bed at Sunlover.

    cheers....... LP
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  7. #877

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    hey fellas this always gets me....

    -Is it quicker through Bundy or Mirriam Vale? when heading up from Brisbane. Team White Rhino will get there before lunch I do believe on the Friday. We will be leaving nice and early to beat traffic.

    Living the dream, Barry

  8. #878

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    Via Bundy is 16k's shorter than via Miriam Vale.

    That does not mean it is quicker.

    Roads out of Bundy are still............. lumpy... but not as bad as previous years.

    For what it is worth Marty, I am going via Miriam Vale................ maybe.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  9. #879

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    oooooooohhhhhhhhhh I'll pay for that one

    cheers LP

    Yeh pink poophta drinker with the gay silver honda, I just thought I'd mention that it was ME in my half drunken state that put up here about tradition, and then kindly backed up by Newb's

    Then you bag NSW
    I am shattered

  10. #880

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    Wot ! ya want me to extoll the virtues of NSW footy sides............ I did not mention actual humans ( nearly ) from NSW, onlt the footy team.

    Now, get back to your cats wee wee mid strength and start packing.

    Last edited by Lucky_Phill; 04-09-2011 at 10:52 AM.
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  11. #881

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    Getting primed lads!!!! Bit windy at the moment, coming home form work on the ferry yesterday we had 1-1.5m swell and chop in Gladstone bloody harbour! They where punching it 60km/h wicked!

    Dad and I wont be up until late sat arvo (will be there for cook off) as I have to work, which will finish my 14 days straight, so some serious rum therapy will be needed!

    The Team Yalta Craft headquaters will be at Neptune, we are bunking with Georgey (MINE09) and his deckie.

    Looking forward to it in a big way, bring on the Red fish!

    Yalta Craft 555HC, "BIMINI TWIST", home port Gladstone
    Member of the Yalta Craft Appreciation Society

  12. #882
    Ausfish Silver Member marvin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    5 hours of work left, bring on 1600hrs today. Then it is 3 weeks holiday for me!

    Happy fathers day to all those that have that honour.

    Trailer Bearings done, new underwater fancy blue led lights fitted to the transom , batteries charged in both boats, reels respooled with new line, crab pots and floats relabled, kids bikes and boogie boards in, rum in, beer in, camera in, video in, everything bar the kitchen sink is in or on the 4 page list to go in.

    Josh, do you have some good red marks where you think you will get some of those babies?? I have struggled lately, I'll shout you a few beverages for a red gps spot??
    I'm not the big Kev, but I am getting excited!!!

  13. #883

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    Im going to try get away from the north side of Brizzy between 5am and 6am on Friday.
    If anyone wants to travel up together give me a yell or i will have the radio on channel 40.
    The Canter isnt the fastest truck on the block.
    Cheers Bull

  14. #884

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    only 5 DAYS TO GO BITCHEZZZ!!!!!!!

    which means only 4 shifts left and might take the thursday night shift off just to get a quick getaway friday morning. Which would mean only 3 shifts left (maybe)

    Looking forward to a couple of quite beers at the tav friday night some willpower may be required

    Thanks for the invite newby, sounds great. That many boats together sounds a bit dangerous though, as in sore heads for the morning start

    30kg of mullet, couple dozen bonito and by the sounds of it i'll see if i can track down some slimies on my way through rocky.

    Farken not long now boys and I can almost smell it.

    cheers from boony
    Fishing can be defined as "A jerk on one end of the rod, waiting for a jerk on the other".
    "Fishing was around along time before you darling"

  15. #885
    Ausfish Platinum Member peterbo3's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Re: 2011 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G dates etc.

    There is still a bed or two at "Top Spot" if anybody makes a late decision to fish. If ya just need a spot for a few days problems.
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


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