Well heres hoping after my weeks purchase the frequency of my reports will remarkably increase. So the big buy picked my first boat up a nice 08, explorer trophy 4.2, 30 merc elec start, bow mount etc. Pretty out there for a first but hey why muck around I say.
So yeah besides the maiden voyage at cabbage tree to try out the sounder etc and get use to the bow mount. First fishing session was saturday morning on the water at pinkenba @ 6am after watching the radars to see if weather was going to become to much. Origional plan was for 5am. Anyhow been reading the whiting reports so armed with some squid out I headed. However as I passed the last of the docks saw plenty of birds hitting a school, didn't watch all those fishing shows for nothing so giving the school a wide burth of course pulled up ready for a drift. Only thing I haded rigged that seemed half viable was a 4'' shad nuclear chicken on 1/4 oz. Down it went and second hop I'm on. Boating a just under tailor hipped as you can imagion this become my mornings focus chasing the school with the leccy even just dragging the placcy behind the boat while I moved landed a few. So in the end result was 5 legals and 5 just under happily released.
Did end up going out for a bit of a look around however think I may of fallen short of the compass bouy mentioned for chasing the whiting. Still not real shore of fuel usage etc so will try next time. Other then that bit of a relaxing troll in boggy for a flatty however no luck. Final note come on M&G and R2M, I'm on the water finally.