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Thread: Anyone caught red claw in Cressbrook?

  1. #1

    Anyone caught red claw in Cressbrook?

    Was wondering if any red claw are in Cressbrook. I can't find any reports on any but maybe they have found there way in there.

  2. #2

    Re: Anyone caught red claw in Cressbrook?

    I've never heard of Redclaw there, there were plenty of shrimp there until the introduction of Garfish which cleaned up the weed beds.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  3. #3

    Re: Anyone caught red claw in Cressbrook?

    yep there in there.caught many a good redclaw while bass fishing

  4. #4

    Re: Anyone caught red claw in Cressbrook?

    Thanks Brett, I change my view..... Yep, I've heard of a bloke getting heaps of them there.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

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