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Thread: Trailer Maintenance

  1. #1

    Trailer Maintenance

    Finely found the time to get the boat off the trailer, after spending 3 weekends making up boat stands, making sure they were going to be strong enough to hold her up, and after testing for strength and stability.

    Out came the trailer and into the shed for 4 days, for maintenance, replaced all wheel bearings checked braking system replaced any faulty parts also checked for any damage.

    Then come the good part spray painting the whole of the trailer, firstly soaked the whole thing with a good coating of Penetrol rust treatment let stand for 24hrs, then spent another whole day spray painting the whole thing with Tectyl 506.

    Once I was happy with the results it was just a matter of pushing the trailer back out of the shed, pushing trailer back under the boat, lower stands job done.
    Now the best thing is I will always have the boat stands handy for my yearly maintenance and for any other reason I need to get the boat off of the trailer, it only takes ½ hour and boats off of the trailer to do whatever I need to do.

  2. #2

    Re: Trailer Maintenance

    Nice job oz, I drive by your boat every day and was wondering what was going on.

    You can do mine now.

  3. #3

    Re: Trailer Maintenance

    No problems Tickleish, You should drop in one day and say G'day.


  4. #4

    Re: Trailer Maintenance

    Will do.

    We can talk boats - I've got the little brother to your rig.

  5. #5

    Re: Trailer Maintenance

    Nice work mate, yeah Im another Redlander that drives past your place on occasion, my kids were asking me what happened to your trailer! Now I can tell them!

    "Mystique" Haines Signature 580BR with 175 of Mr Suzuki's finest ponies

  6. #6

    Re: Trailer Maintenance

    I reckon that you might inspire a few of us with welders to do the same thing.

    Well done! The savings in the deferred cost of trailer replacement would more than easily justify the cost of those boat stands that you made.


  7. #7

    Re: Trailer Maintenance

    I would think a small business. boat stand rentals is on the cards.

  8. #8

    Re: Trailer Maintenance

    well done, you only forgot one step.... trying to remove the tectyl off the floor of your shed... good luck....

  9. #9

    Re: Trailer Maintenance

    well done, you only forgot one step.... trying to remove the tectyl off the floor of your shed... good luck....

    Your right about that bearessentials, i never would of thought how hard it would be to get it off, I know one thing the floor of the shed will never rust, now I just make sure I always wear shoes or something on my feet.
    Otherwise you walk it everywhere you go, and the wife if you do, well let’s just say she’s not to impressed, so I’ve had to go and lay old carpet down to cover it and to stop the kids running it everywhere.


  10. #10

    Re: Trailer Maintenance

    The women just have no sense of humour.

    Very nice and thorough job of the trailer.


  11. #11

    Re: Trailer Maintenance

    Quote Originally Posted by Tickleish View Post
    Will do.

    We can talk boats - I've got the little brother to your rig.
    We can talk boats Tickleish if you like, but then we will need to start doing some serious talking.... about getting out and doing some fishing.


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