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Awoonga via Boynedale
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Thread: Awoonga via Boynedale

  1. #1

    Awoonga via Boynedale

    After some pretty tough fishing at Mondy , MW & I were keen to head to Awoonga – particularly on the back of some promising reports.
    So after a resupply of Food , fuel , beer & water at Gin Gin we headed back up the highway taking the back way over the ranges into the Boynedale bush camp. On arrival we were pretty impressed with the small camp ground which only contained a handful of other campers …… we quickly set up camp & we were joined by Trev (Awoonga) who had generously offered to show us around - a necessity considering the change in the water levels.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Boyne River below the bush camp.jpg 
Views:	81 
Size:	97.8 KB 
ID:	61669
    Wow …. Talk about water levels - Its amazing even up the Boyne the place is so vast with lots of flooded pasture land and back waters - best of all barra were located & encountered but unfortunately none landed ……
    We then travelled down the Boyne to fish some bays near Dingo for a sunset bite – smashed by waves and wind spray as we passed the bluff , we were thinking that we made the wrong choice – but pressed on through the inland sea. Fishing through beyond dark we decided to head back to camp after going fishless for a roast lamb dinner (apparently the fish turned on an hour after we left)
    The next morning we were up for a little exploring before heading back down river for a prearranged rendezvous with Trev ( a missed fish each) ……. We caught up with Trev & fished some western bays and points where Whitey (fishing out of Trevs boat) missed a fish – before rejoining me …. Not long after my new Humminbird 998 SI revealed a fish which I pointed out to Whitey - he got a cast in and bang a 108cm barra was landed on a evil minnow 110 slick rig. As we moved out of the bay & around the next point with a favourable wind , I dropped anchor and fished the breaking waves…..and within minutes I landed a 104 on a 110cm Yakka slick rig.Attachment 61665 The wind dropped and we moved off to join Trev at a nearby bank - apparently he was having a blinder with a few fish landed …… mind you , like the morning we arrived after the bite.
    That evening on Trevs recommendation we fished Dingo with a stiffening wind at our back …… what a session Whitey landed two , I landed 2 Attachment 61668– we both lost fish that made it to the trees & bushes ….. missed several strikes & I jumped a big fish that hit a Rapala X Walk ( the boof & hook up was just awesome – sounded like a 44 gal drum being dropped from a great height).
    The next morning we met Trev again and fished some more main basin and lower boyne areas in benign hot conditions with nothing happening till we ventured into some shallows ….. some fish were spooked and I decided to fish surface with one fish missed then a few boils then a 98 landed which hit a X Walk in among the drowned shrubs Attachment 61667….. stitched up it was a good capture and very satisfying in those conditions. After that the northerlies picked up but our chosen locations didn’t fire up. Trev joined us at camp that night to share a meal & a good yarn.
    Now ….. getting woken up at 3am to go for a fish after 3 hours sleep doesn’t usually go down well – but ya just have to trust Trev …… even though the wind was blowing cold from the South - working our way into a nearby flat area in absolute darkness , I was hit boatside when fishing a bills bug “Rat” scaring the crap out of me……. Not long after I landed a catty on the “Rat” followed by another missed barra on surface - Freezing cold ….dawn eventually broke and we headed back to camp for brekkie - and I can tell you a warm fire , coffee & bacon / eggs was never so appreciated.
    With the change in conditions - water temps plummeted 3-4 deg C and the fishing proved tough with very little in the way of bites . I did drop another decent fish which I spotted chasing some bait hard up against the shore ….. I cast the only thing that I could fish & reach the shore (X Walk) - third cast was smashed and unfortunately the hooks didn’t bite.
    Two days of cold winds really took its toll with not much happening…. Camp discussions with other fishoes revealed the same.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Boynedale camp.jpg 
Views:	96 
Size:	91.8 KB 
ID:	61666
    The Bush camp was interesting – great to be able to park the boat below our site , though ploughing through the weed was a bit of a pain …. The place seems to be frequented by those that are there to take a feed ….. armed with big eskys & travelling from rural areas . Interesting to talk to these guys.

    So while conditions were mixed , we were pleased with the result of 7 landed & around 10 lost and quite a few bumps & hits (smallest fish 96cm) …… certainly a big change when compared to Monduran - those extra 3 million fish make a hell of a difference. Most certainly well worth the extra 90 mins drive - No wonder you dont hear too many reports from the locals
    Need to work out how to get back there !


    PS - Whitey has his photos on his camera
    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Roo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    Nice one Chris. The bush camp looks like a great spot. I assume you need to pack everything including generator for this place. Glad the fishing was good for you and the Mighty Whitey.
    Cheers, Rod.

  3. #3

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    Quote Originally Posted by Roo View Post
    Nice one Chris. The bush camp looks like a great spot. I assume you need to pack everything including generator for this place. Glad the fishing was good for you and the Mighty Whitey.
    Cheers, Rod.
    Yes Rod - the only thing that is there is composting toilets & fire rings - So no power or water
    The place is well maintained though
    The ramp is steep , weedy & muddy - so keeping the boat in the water makes it a bit easier.
    A nice change to Mondy with good fishing till conditions turned sour

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Awoonga's Avatar
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    Dec 2004

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    No wonder you dont hear too many reports from the locals
    What fish ? where? when ?..

  5. #5

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    Quote Originally Posted by Awoonga View Post
    No wonder you dont hear too many reports from the locals
    What fish ? where? when ?..
    Thats it

    Hey ... and thanks again for your help - much appreciated

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member warrior's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    great results chris and whitey nice to see the extra yards payed off for you men.gotta love that dam my favourate for sure

  7. #7

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    Quote Originally Posted by warrior View Post
    great results chris and whitey nice to see the extra yards payed off for you men.gotta love that dam my favourate for sure
    Thanks Al

    We both like Awoonga too - but this is the first time that we really had a look around ...... did plenty of Ks ------ would be nice to have a fast glass boat on that dam

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  8. #8

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    Good read Chris,looks a top spot to hideout.Those girls look pretty healthy specimens,and the ol slick rigs still working their stuff.Well done you two,pleased your trip finished with a good result.

  9. #9

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    D'ya think you could change the font??Maybe?Pretty please?Just a tad bigger?

  10. #10

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    Quote Originally Posted by PaulMark View Post
    Good read Chris,looks a top spot to hideout.Those girls look pretty healthy specimens,and the ol slick rigs still working their stuff.Well done you two,pleased your trip finished with a good result.

    The slick rigs raised most of the fish Paulo ...... followed by the X Walk.
    We certainly went home much happier

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  11. #11

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    Quote Originally Posted by PaulMark View Post
    D'ya think you could change the font??Maybe?Pretty please?Just a tad bigger?
    Sorry Paulo ..... It was a cut & paste after loosing half the report this morning - All fixed now

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  12. #12

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    Hey Chris were you suprised at the lack of fish at Mondy?Conditions sounded close to ideal.

  13. #13

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    Sorry Paulo ..... It was a cut & paste after loosing half the report this morning - All fixed now

    No worries Chris,theres a reason for going blind isn't there,the ol boy did warn me

  14. #14

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    Quote Originally Posted by PaulMark View Post
    Hey Chris were you suprised at the lack of fish at Mondy?Conditions sounded close to ideal.
    Absolutely Paulo ...... 2 days I thought we would slay em - Good water , favorable winds .... warm days & reasonably mild nights.
    We fished both Summer & Winter tactics too
    Bait activity ..... well was near non existent

    Aside from the recent rise - looks like 15-30 cm....... the place needs another million or so barra

    1 Boof in 4 nights ..... wtf - the coinciding trip in 08 & 09 had fish everywhere...... lots of bites , hook ups and fish landed

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  15. #15

    Re: Awoonga via Boynedale

    I guess theres a whole lot more places for them to hide now as well.I think all the dams will be seeing a difference for awhile.Awoonga maybe less as theres more fish in there to start with.

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