Arrived at the Coastguard ramp at Mooloolaba river on Sat morning at 4.00am to find 1 other trailer at the carpark. Being first day of the school hols and a weekend to boot I thought I must have had the forecast messed up big time but headed out regardless to find a flat sea with 5 knots of Sth Westerley, still can't understand why no one was up early or out overnight.
Went to my usual inshore location, which I can't disclose for obvious reasons, and had finished fishing by 6.30 am with a nice bag of snappery squire and grassies in near perfect conditions.
Had a boat come right past behind me about 20 metres away at one point around 6.00am, straight over my baits, through the berley trail and regardless of my arm waving he just sailed on past as if nothing had happened. Luckily the fish were already in the esky as that would have been the end of the session anyway.
I'm not sure if he was just plain ignorant or whether he didn't have a clue about fishing shallow reefs.
Regardless it was an absolute joy just to be out in such good conditions with the reefies playing the game.
All caught on bait and good old alvey reels with 5 to 7 kg lines.
PS! Have photo but can't work out how to attach, any advice appreciated.