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Sunny Coast inshore
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Thread: Sunny Coast inshore

  1. #1

    Sunny Coast inshore

    Arrived at the Coastguard ramp at Mooloolaba river on Sat morning at 4.00am to find 1 other trailer at the carpark. Being first day of the school hols and a weekend to boot I thought I must have had the forecast messed up big time but headed out regardless to find a flat sea with 5 knots of Sth Westerley, still can't understand why no one was up early or out overnight.

    Went to my usual inshore location, which I can't disclose for obvious reasons, and had finished fishing by 6.30 am with a nice bag of snappery squire and grassies in near perfect conditions.

    Had a boat come right past behind me about 20 metres away at one point around 6.00am, straight over my baits, through the berley trail and regardless of my arm waving he just sailed on past as if nothing had happened . Luckily the fish were already in the esky as that would have been the end of the session anyway.

    I'm not sure if he was just plain ignorant or whether he didn't have a clue about fishing shallow reefs.

    Regardless it was an absolute joy just to be out in such good conditions with the reefies playing the game .

    All caught on bait and good old alvey reels with 5 to 7 kg lines.


    PS! Have photo but can't work out how to attach, any advice appreciated.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Angla's Avatar
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    Mar 2005

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore

    That's a good result for sure. I've had some knobs in a 34 footer do the same to me at the 12 mile. I think you get them everywhere.

    This is the help file for adding photo's


  3. #3

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore

    Probably marking your fishing spot on their GPS.

    Some people just have no idea!!

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore

    Well done mate - that's good fishing.

    I had the same thing happen on the weekend at Hutchies - I'd been drifting fishing a school for about 2 hours, taking great care not to spook them and making a large detour when I was moving the boat back to the start of the drift.

    Then a couple of blokes in a centre console drove right over the top of the school just as I was about to drift across it - definitely inside 50m from me - sure enough, I floated over my mark and the school was dispersed, next drift - gone.

    Coincidence? Doubtful. I can't understand why people need to come so close at sea.

    It's a big space and there's enough for all of us.

  5. #5

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore

    Had the same thing happen the other day with a tool in a 28' Bertram. The lads I was fishing with offered their services to go aboard the said Berty and discuss the finer points of the regulations, but I thought better of it.
    Shouldn't have been so kind though. We told him to go forth and multiply, so instead he came even closer beam on.
    Only problem is, Bribie is a small place and we know were he is........ Mind you, wouldn't waste my time.
    Glad to hear you had a top morning out.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar
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    Sep 2001

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore

    G'day Barrell,

    Good to read of your fruitfull early morning mission !!
    Great to hear your spots are firing and the Snapper have arrived !!

    Always like to see pics of nice fish so I hope you work out how to load them.
    If you having drama, e-mail them to me and I'll put them up.

    will have a report going up soon for the weekend charter off Fraser, just waiting for all the pics.


  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member lethal098's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore

    Top stuff Barrell,

    Saw you heading up the highway nice and early, just before the BP on the highway, Good too see your shallow reefs are still firing. Solo trip as well, what happened to all the deckies??

    cheers Lee

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member indy's Avatar
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore

    Nice going mate there is so many inconciderate pr#cks in close.

  9. #9

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore


    Thanks for the help file, I originally got half way through that process then lost it somehow but your attachment made it easy.


    Had a deckie lined up but cancelled late so didn't look for someone else because I was confident there would be fish so had all the fun myself.


    Looking forward to the photos from Fraser, will give you a call to discuss.


  10. #10

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore

    Bloody Greg, how the hell are ya. Good to see that spot still works for you. I hear through Bill, Moreton wasn't so kind to you this year but it was to us. PM, email or give me a call if you want to.


  11. #11

    Smile Re: Sunny Coast inshore

    i went out early on Sunday morning - 4.30am @ la balsa park - same thing not that many trailers and thought I must have stuffed up and it would be crap outside but PERFECT !!! I think the forecast of rain scared the majority of punters away.

    Fantastic trip - 1 x parrot - 2 x grassy emperors - 1 x coral trout !!! Went with mate from townsville and was stoked to catch a coral trout on the sunny coast. THEN THE BEST THING !!!! whales....... mother and calf playing around only about 100 - 150m from boat

  12. #12
    Ausfish Premium Member jason p's Avatar
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    Jun 2009

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore

    hey barrell nice feed there mate, i woulda thought the ramps woulda been packed too, very surprised to hear they wernt sat or sun. some people dont hav a clue ay, steel ya mark and kill the fishn. this is were you need a spare rod with a metal slug onit, oops sorry mate didnt you see me casting there.


  13. #13

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore

    Nice early morning sesh Greg, snapps & grassies, good one

    Bob B told me Moreton was a bit slow for you blokes, in case you are wondering


    PS: Inconsiderate pric$s everywhere

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member -spiro-'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore

    good effort mate. Some good size grassies
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member lethal098's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Sunny Coast inshore


    Ah well mate, sometimes good to have a solo session, still waiting for an invite up that way though! I dont think my phone rang!!! Talk soon

    cheers Lee

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