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Tough week at Monduran...
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Thread: Tough week at Monduran...

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
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    Tough week at Monduran...

    Kyle & I hit Monduran from 11 - 18 September. We spent over 70 hours on the water and fished all over the system from Bass Straight and Bird Bay all the way up to F.

    We fished shallow, we fished deep. We found warm water, clear water, murky water and cooler water. We worked banks, points and drop-offs. We fished tiger country in the timber and open water creekbeds. We threw plastics, shallow hardbodies and deeper hardbodies. We twitched, we paused. We fish slowly and passively and we fished fast and aggressively...

    We tried old favourite spots and many new spots. We found lots of birds and lots of bait - sometimes blacking out the entire sounder. We travelled over 200klms by boat. I broke a runner on one of Kyle's rods, I dropped a concrete block anchor on my toe and our backs and shoulders ached from ther effort. On the last day our Minn Kota decided it only wanted to go straight and refused to turn left or right! We got sunburnt and we got windburnt. We had southerlies, westerlies and northerlies...

    The result? Six catfish (including one huge monster), half a dozen tentative hits and one huge boil behind a gold Xrap for me. A shitful trip/result for me...

    Kyle managed five hook-ups and half a dozen boils. The first hook-up was at C and and lasted for seconds only. The fourth was similar.

    The second was early Wednesday morning in south B. An aggressively worked Richos Extractor was hit. After a couple of metres of pulled line and a screaming drag the hooks pulled. The third hook-up was 20 minutes later and the best.

    Using my S10 and Hyper Custom Certate, Kyle was very aggressively working a slickrig 110 evil minnow, using a Matt Fraser prototype jighead fitted with an under chin #4 owner treble stinger. Three (yes, that's right THREE!) barra came from the depths to attack this lure. Two shied at the last moment but the middle barra crunched it two metres from the back of the boat.

    I threw the tie-off rope as Kyle got into a long battle with a good sized barra that only jumped once. After nearly five minutes and some 30m from where he hooked up I managed to get a deep net shot at a barra that just refused to surface. Fortunately it was a good net shot and our only fish of the trip - a 96cm beast - came aboard, pinned in the corner of the mouth on the stinger only! A few pics and she powered back into the depths without needing to be revived.

    The fifth hook-up was near No Secret point in north B in atrocious conditions. Cool water, low cloud, 20+ knot southerlies and a broken Minn Kota. Kyle's favourite bomber gets monstered by a big fish in tiger country. Against locked drag, line starts peeling off at a huge rate. As I throw the tie off rope, Kyle free spools as she goes around a tree. Five seconds later it was all over as the face hooked lure is wiped off against a tree...

    And that was it. Not a donut but very close. Despite the tough fishing we had a great time and learned a lot about what is now a huge and different body of water. We have also marked some very likely looking spots for the Mondy ABT event in November...


    Pete & Kyle
    Last edited by Peter4; 19-09-2010 at 05:33 PM. Reason: Pics added...

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member mylestom's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: Tough week at Monduran...


    Well at least you got up there to have a fish. Kyle does it again.

    Good read, just wish it was me up there fishing.


    Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.

  3. #3

    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    Six catties . You lucky bastard !!!! We kept asking Snodger what lure he got his catties on - cos even that would have got us excited . I feel for ya though Pete. It sure was a tough few days up there. Nice to put one in the boat - but it seems a lot of work eh. Like Big Paul said - next time.


  4. #4

    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    Well done boys. Nice looking fish Kyle.

    I reckon I'm gonna ask Kyle how to catch these things. He seems to have the wood on Pete for the last 2 trips.

    Pete I told you you have to fish green/olive/pink......... to get those catties mate.
    I guess the Mondy Catty trophy now gets passed to Pete & Kyle.

    Peter I got one of those monstor catties in the 1st cattle yards. Again it had me fooled into thinking a mid sized barra. Dam thing went 65cm and looked almost as round as a footy head on, and pulled like a train for the first minute or so.


  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    Cheers Gunna & Snodge...

    I am undoubtably the Catfish King. My monster was about the same size as yours Steve and had me fooled for about 10 seconds as it pulled drag!

    Don't include Kyle though. He did not get a single catfish in seven days! Every bite/hook-up and his only fish were all barra! We knew this because of the boils on the missed fish...I need to replicate his twitch!

    Funny thing is that he had a crook back and only threw a third as many casts as me! Go figure...

    My catties came on Xraps (gold/orange & olive), gold bomber and gold F-111 stealth...



  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member warrior's Avatar
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    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    it definatly is tough at the moment pete ,well done on the fish though ,real hard for me to understand these things as as you said you had 3 fish at one time have a go but for the rest of the time it was more than tough ,these bite windows are strange for me ,i am back for some more punishment on thursday friday soory never caught up with you up there

  7. #7

    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    Funny thing is that he had a crook back and only threw a third as many casts as me! Go figure...

    Hmmmm must be quality not quantity Pete

    We had a few ins and outs on Sat. arvo, but that was it hey. 3 at once, now that woulda been a sight

  8. #8

    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    Hi Pete & Kyle

    Firstly - Kyle well done mate ...... you certainly have the knack - LEGEND!

    Reading this report certainly confirmed my thoughts that something was amiss - RECENT INFLUX I'm suspecting ...... you guys put in a big effort & your bite register was in line with ours .

    We were on the water for 4 nights in a known fish holding area and heard 1
    boof ........

    Something was crook in rookwood


    PS - nice to catch up as always
    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member Obi _ Wan's Avatar
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    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    Pete & Kyle, Well done guys sounds like it was a tough trip from all accounts.

    I will add Kyle's fish to his tally in the Mondy Cup.



  10. #10

    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    Thanks for the report Pete, alot of time on the water for you guys and well done to Kyle for getting a fish in the boat. Lots more data for the memory banks and you guys are sure getting to know Monduran and its Barra well in any case. Still better up there with all your efforts than stuck down in here in the rat race. -cheers Richard

  11. #11

    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    good report well done

  12. #12

    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    Thanks for the report Peter, and well done to Kyle on that fish!

    Geez, I'm feeling your pain though! Thats a lot of hard yards for the result. Lucky you guys are experienced impoundment barra campaigners, and you can just rack that one up as a tough trip, and pick yourselves back up for the next one.



  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
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    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    Thanks Matt. Funnily enough our enthusiasm stayed strong all week. There was a sense that the fish were always about to come on and the barra activity was definitely increasing day by day...

    Physically though we were exhausted by Friday arvo and bailed on a quick Saturday morning session before we came home. Have heard now that quite a few fish were caught all over the dam on Saturday morning! Doh!

    BTW - your prototype jigheads are magic. I may need to commission you to produce a few more...



  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member Big_Ren's Avatar
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    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    Hey Pete.

    I was sure you boys were going to brain them as the weather seemed to be getting better and better by the time we left on Tuesday. Maybe Chris is right, and the recent influx was messing with their heads for a short period.

    Our best bite window was on the Sunday arvo for three hook ups, two double taps, a bump, and one landed fish. Hardly any bait, hardly any boofing while we were tied off fishing.

    Congrats to Kyle again. He's a whiz kid that boy of yours. You need to get back on your horse and rediscover the mojo that you had a year or so back....I have no doubt you will be back bigger and better.

    Great report and pics as always

    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Tough week at Monduran...

    Some more pics...

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