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Leaders shredded but one Snap
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Thread: Leaders shredded but one Snap

  1. #1

    Leaders shredded but one Snap

    After months of good intentions to catch up for a fish, T1 took the afternoon off work for a afternoon to dusk session with me in Moreton Bay.

    1st Stop was the Tiwi Pearl for nada. Then Harries, same.

    We were thinking about exploring the rous channel, but remembering the weather forecast, and the 1st hint of increasing wind from the NW, decided against venturing further east, but made a quick scoot across to the eastern side of Mud instead. Nada thing.

    A zip around to the NW side of mud where I had a mark I have been working. This spot ALWAYS shows a heap of baitfish, and is a very tight bommie where drifting over it is a lot of work, you really only get to be in the hot zone for about 2 mins without a leccie, then back around for another attempt. I had worked this spot before but never produced for me in the past.

    1st drift T1 gets to experience the singing of drag, synonymous with big Moreton bay snapper. But all he got to show for that encounter was a minced up leader that felt like sandpaper.

    Next drift, and as the sun had dissappeared on the horizon, with failing light, i was thinking that from here on, I have never done well fishing soft plastics at night. That was some of the discussion with T1, when he said that he has often come home with nice fish caught on plastics at night. That gave me a little more inspiration to keep twitching the 5" Nuke Chook jerk shad, 5/0 3/8 ounce.
    Around then, the pic tells the rest of the story. 76cm on the brag mat, gave a great account for itself on the 12lb leader, which also came back slightly damaged, so I was lucky to get it in. No more fish to even the score, wind got even stronger so we went home at around 8pm.

    Thanks T1 for the company, that was the last fishing trip for my holidays, back to work Monday


  2. #2

    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap

    That is an awesome fish Scalem. I have to say you have made the most of your week off and landed some brilliant fish in the Yalta. Back to realty for you on Monday. That spot come to think of it is remarkably close to where I caught my PB when I had the good old faithful #2 but without a GPS I can't be too sure but it makes me think that I may have accidentally drifted over that mark way back then. I guess I'll never know. Congrats once again on a nice fish.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap

    Way to finish your holidays off with a bang. That's a great snap!!! Congrats.
    Bring Out Another Thousand tragic

  4. #4

    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap

    Nice one Brian ... still going on the light stuff I see.


  5. #5

    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap

    Quote Originally Posted by MattChew View Post
    Nice one Brian ... still going on the light stuff I see.

    LOL Matt, whenever I see fish on the sounder and nothing is biting, I am always tempted to go lighter still Dare me to catch a snapper on less than 10lb?? That would be just showing off wouldn't it?


  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap

    Great work there , but 5/0 and 3/8 ounce?
    That seems like a lot of jig head for around Mud Island, I usually don't go over a 3/0 on 1/6 and a 2/0 on 1/8 is probably my most used, but what do I know, you're the one with the fish.

  7. #7

    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap


    In picture perfect conditions at Mud, those weights are spot on, and 3/0 hooks, 1/8 or 1/4 are my most used, I only use 1/4 if the tide and wind are against each other.

    But last night she was blowin.... More like howling!! Even with a small parachute anchor out, the boat was being blown across the water at speed, which required bigger weight. If I use a bigger weight, I usually upsize the hook and the plastic so that everything stays in proportion. Jig "Head" to size of the body of the Plastic, then hook half way along.

    Something to think about .... Same sized fish offshore easily inhale my 10/0 saltwater series Gamakatsu fly hooks, so 2/0 hooks might easily miss the fleshy part of the fishs' mouth when you strike at it. The only way a 2/0 hook is going to connect is if the fish is moving away from you, or the hook is swallowed well down, which puts a lot of dependancy on your leader to hang together.

    Also, going with the theory of keeping your plastic weight in proportion to hook size, and plastic size, here is a photo of another 75cm fish caught by my daughter in the northern bay - gulp 7" with a 3/4 ounce 7/0 hook, and the 2nd shot is an 80cm fish caught in the same nothern bay area using the same 7/0 hook combination. These fish were in 20 mtrs of water, so around 1 ounce is needed. Hope that helps, don't be afraid to upsize according to the conditions and water depth. Apologies for the rant, you probably know all this anyhow, if not, hope this helps you.


  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member ddobson's Avatar
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    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap

    You shure know how to find em. I do good at night as well. I have heard of some big fish coming in of late but not onto my boat yet lol. I have found bigger boat makes for a whole new style in drifts and spots so i am on a sound around for new areas but no spot x yet. Good fish Scaem. Cheers

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap

    Hey Brain one is better than nothing but size you couldn't compain.... by way your (smiling) tells...
    Well done!

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member T1's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap

    Was definitely an overdue catch up and thoroughly enjoyable old friend! Still having nightmares about the state of that Leader... I can't believe my leader shredder rate at that place!!! Nonetheless, you called it for your turn on the return drift, and you backed it up accordingly (and in all honesty, i was ecstatic for you - on the inside )!

    Will catch up again very soon - too nice a boat not to (& great company as well)!

    Take Care T
    home is where the loan is...
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  11. #11

    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap

    Quote Originally Posted by T1 View Post
    Was definitely an overdue catch up and thoroughly enjoyable old friend! Still having nightmares about the state of that Leader... I can't believe my leader shredder rate at that place!!! Nonetheless, you called it for your turn on the return drift, and you backed it up accordingly (and in all honesty, i was ecstatic for you - on the inside )!

    Will catch up again very soon - too nice a boat not to (& great company as well)!

    Take Care T
    Sounds good, but I need to show you I can enjoy quietly sitting in a river and catch 45cm tings, and I even know the correct bait to use!!!

    Thanks again T


  12. #12

    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap

    With shedding leaders, stonker snaps - a good fishing trip I reckon.

    Good job boys.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member Aquarius's Avatar
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    Sep 2001

    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap

    Gidday Brian, A nice snapper for sure from the old faithful Mud.
    Those nuke chooks are great for the night fishing especially the 7'" in deep water.
    I need to get out on the water again soon and chase a few snaps.
    Was the weight around the 5 kilo mark?
    Cheers Brent

  14. #14

    Re: Leaders shredded but one Snap

    Quote Originally Posted by Aquarius View Post
    Was the weight around the 5 kilo mark?
    Cheers Brent
    Hi Brent,

    T1 and I guessed it at around the 4.5 - 5 Kg mark, but that was as close to a weighing as I got. The only scales I have are in the house, the women whinge at the smell of fish enough as it is, and that's only when I walk in the door to say hello If I got any weighing apparatus out of the kitchen I'd be banished for good!!

    I'll get a new gob lock with scales in due course.


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