looking for the best knot or best way to attach braid to mono needs to be able to travel through the guides ill be using 50 lb braid and 50 lb mono
looking for the best knot or best way to attach braid to mono needs to be able to travel through the guides ill be using 50 lb braid and 50 lb mono
Why is it everytime i walk away from my rod it gets smashed
I use MidKnot exclusively for GT/Tuna popping but will use short twisted leader made from fluorocarbon leader for baitcasting .
For MidKnot illustration , just google it as there should be plenty of sites featuring this knot .
Jon .
It's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble , it's what you know for sure that ain't so .
Mark Twain .
is it for casting or overhead trolling setup??
its for overhead live baiting, used braid for backing for more line capacity and mono top shot for abrassion
Why is it everytime i walk away from my rod it gets smashed
I use the Yucatan knot and swear by it. Very quick and easy to tie and has a nice low profile to slip through the guides. It also has a very good knot strength.
I'm not quite sure I understand your question. The line on the left is the braid that has a double previously tied. If you are happy to wait I'm going to do a short video of the knot and can post it on you tube if you like?
Gimme a week.
I stick to tried and proven Improved Albright. It works for me
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
Slim Beauty for me.
BTW YouTube is a great place to pick up a few new knots, plenty of videos showing how to tye each one, just type the name of the knot into the search box on YouTube.
Yeah slim beauty for me too.. used to tie imrpvoed albrights too but found the slim beaty sits down much more nicely and doesnt need a dob of superglue like the albright sometimes needs
i have tried normal albright knot and slim beauty and they seem to break at knot quite easily havent tried the improved albright will give it a go also do you use normal super glue or special super glue?does the superglue eat away braid?
Why is it everytime i walk away from my rod it gets smashed
Haven't had any problems with the superglue eating away at the braid at all. I find it just helps the braid slipping up over the mono loop which can happen after passing through the runners a lot during casting.
I usually just buy the Selleys stuff in the little bottle with the brush. Much easier application and you can usually use almost the hole bottle, no wastage like in the tubes which never seem to go the distance.
I use the modified albright but just get a lighter and give the mono a quick hit so that it creates a small blob at the end about 3 - 5mm from the braid... I also tend to do a double on the braid mainline with the braid tag.. what this does is create a small section of knot (which is tiny and passes through the eye easy) but stops the mono rubbing on the braid mainline.. it is sort of a crossover between the FG knot and the improved albright.
The loop is a "Bimini Twist". You can also tie a double in the braid using a plait, which is easier to tie well, but which takes a lot longer to tie, even after a lot of practice. A plait, or a well-tied bimini, retains almost 100% of the breaking strain of the braid.
Paulus, who tests knots and lines free of charge, has written that some of the bimini's he's received for testing have broken at 70%, so it's hard to know how strong your bimini's are without testing them on scales, especially when you first start tying them.
The "braid to mono" question has been asked a few times on this site. You can probably find some more answers to your question if you do a search.