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new thread on crays
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Thread: new thread on crays

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    new thread on crays

    Ok here it is, yes crays get caught on lines I've seen it done and it only happens by ass by water dodging fags that scared of getting wet, too cook crays the only 2 ways I like is to cut the tail off boil the head like a crab the legs n feelers r good chewin, pluck the tail and cut it into small cubes by following the seams in the meat, coat the cubes in fish coating and deep fry it but not too long or it goes too rubber then dip the small pieces in sour cream, abc sauce or sweet chilli sauce, the other way is to prep the tail the same but this time no fish coating just lightly fry in garlic butter and then bake in a morney sauce with veg like an awsome veg cray bake, both are good to go ey, and the best way to catch crays (if any fishos reading this I'd like it in writing please if you can the law on this as I have had mixed reports from other fishos that r unsure) is to spot light for them on a new moon when there is no wind out of a tiny in shallow water with a home made hand spear or cast net. bag limits every time and they will follow the light to the boat and you'll get them all around your harbours and anywhere that has that small stoney bottom not the places that you dive for them. And white feelers are the little juvinile guys the black feelers are the ones your chasin when diving.

  2. #2

    Re: new thread on crays

    Unfortunately cant comment on Qld regs d river, however for the benefit of interested southerners that may be reading, as far as NSW is concerned, it is illegal to take crays with a handspear etc, and cast nets are illegal here anyway, so they can only to be legally taken with gloved or bare hand.
    Cannot find any reference outlawing the 'spotlighting' methodology you describe, but 'a light attached to a spear or speargun' is deemed illegal.
    So you could possibly draw them to the boat as you describe and then pick 'em up by hand...........very interesting proposition but current individual rec bag limit in NSW is 2 per species!
    You blokes are much better off with your 3 or 5 individual limits depending on your locations.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member Aeon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: new thread on crays

    What a hero

  4. #4
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: new thread on crays

    dont know quite what your talking about, cant be assed reading that again..

    so you know the rules..

    your allowed to spear crays in QLD
    you are not allowed to use a torch
    bag limits are 5per person or 10 per boat

    disclaimer check this your self

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