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Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

View Poll Results: have you encountered a QLD fisheries boat ramp survey.

221. You may not vote on this poll
  • I saw surveys being done but was not approcaed.

    10 4.52%
  • I was approched and answered questions

    35 15.84%
  • I was approched, answered questions and catch inspected

    63 28.51%
  • no never

    113 51.13%
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Thread: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

  1. #1

    Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    just another little poll to see how many have encountered fisheries boat ramp surveys.

    Again there are plenty of threads out there where we can have our say on this , so please keep you posts to details of your encounters.

    If you have encountered a boat ramp survey, please post some details of where and how long best as memory serves.

    I will be posting having seen a ramp survey down at white island.

    remember this is the survey, not a regulatory inspection.

    Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.

  2. #2

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    it was at the manly public boat ramp , about 8 months ago , he inspected our 1 snapper for the day lol he was polite and friendly , no complaints from me ..

  3. #3

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    Burrum Heads ramp, 6 mths ago. I was going out, so he checked my lifejacket and wished me luck.

    Im often checked on the river as well as the ramp.
    Fishing- It's only an addiction if you're trying to quit.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    Launch and retrieve my boat at least once a week mostly from Wello Point and occasionally from Cleveland/Raby Bay and have never been surveyed in the last 5 years...

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member marto78's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    The boat ramp at the mariner just before Bribie Island about 2-3wks ago. Measured all the fish and asked where we caught them.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by marto78 View Post
    and asked where we caught them.
    Hope you said "In the ocean..."

  7. #7

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by the gecko View Post
    Burrum Heads ramp, 6 mths ago. I was going out, so he checked my lifejacket and wished me luck.

    Im often checked on the river as well as the ramp.
    just to clarify....I'm looking for incidences of the DPI fishery survey, not inspection by boating and fisheries patroll.

    what case is this.

    Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.

  8. #8

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    several times on Fraser Is in years previous, they were doing research into a few species, Spanish and a few others I can't remember

    cheers Murf

  9. #9

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    Heaps of times at Spinnaker. All voluntary of course. Old mate comes prepared now with a table and deck chairs. He must see some funny things at that ramp on a busy Sunday arvo.

    So far done the size/location checks for Spotties, Wahoo and Snapper/pearlies depending on time of year. He always has the latest handouts from DPI as well - not a bad old bloke. Never presses for extra info that you dont want to give.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Fish_gutz's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    there was a bloke claiming to be from Queensland university doin a questionaire @ scarborough boat ramp last saturday about lunch time with questions about what tackle and bait shops you shop at and which boat shops you go to etc.

  11. #11

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    Here's one for the record - fished Moreton Bay for 42 years , I estimate that I'd put the boat in at least once every 3 weeks minimum - never been surveyed.(wouldnt tell em anything anyway so no great loss.)
    I have been checked by fisheries approx 4 times in my life.(twice at 1770)
    Keep Ya Tip UP

  12. #12

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    there is a local dpi guy at donnybrook most weekends doing surveys and measurements have come across him often


  13. #13

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    I use a private ramp, so the chances of me getting surveryed are nil.

  14. #14

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    Sorry I WAS inspected by fisheries each time, not a DPI survey.

    There was a thread here about 12 months ago about a guy doing volunteer dpi survey, and taking camera shots of all with or without might wanna search for it if youre interested in surveys.
    Fishing- It's only an addiction if you're trying to quit.

  15. #15

    Re: Boat ramp fishing survey..have you ever.

    I've been inpsected plenty of times, but never surveyed, not that I'd participate anyway. Remember the last 3 times were were 'surveyed'? Green zones on the GBR, more regulation from DPI (CRFF closures, fin clipping and all that BS) and finally green zones in moreton bay.

    I never have and never will participate in any survey unless run and endorsed by a well known rec fishing group such as ecofishers. Sunfish as far as I am concerned can go boil their heads, just Govt lackies convincing fishoes that any information surrendered will go towards helping our industry, only to present it to the Govt so they can strip more rights away from us IMO

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