Just got an email from our friends down south. Seems the ALP has decided to invite ECOFishers (NSW) to sit down and discuss some concerns about fishing.
Could it... Is it... Maybe fishing is a bit more of a concern to federal politics now?
Just got an email from our friends down south. Seems the ALP has decided to invite ECOFishers (NSW) to sit down and discuss some concerns about fishing.
Could it... Is it... Maybe fishing is a bit more of a concern to federal politics now?
When the backroom boys do the number crunching to find out what went wrong, they will be having nightmares about the word " fishing ".
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Maybe a new election is in the wind?
Problem with it I see is if the ALP take fishing to heart and get the required numbers with the claims they are 'for fishing', there is nothing to stop them going back on their word, after all they are only politicians.
Hope that's not going to be the case though. Discussed this with my son the other day in relation to what he thinks the independents need to agree to as he is all for the NBN. I see it as a good thing but if it doesn't go forward now, they can always get it up and running later but with green zones/lock outs, once they are in place there is no way they could be removed. After all, the NBN is only a computer hook up and IMO does not matter in the larger scheme of things. The only ones really upset by slow broadband are the real geeks and they'd not even know what a fishing rod looked like, let alone the great outdoors.
Scramble is the word, I would ask them where is their policies...but still they need some sliver of paper of value pretend or otherwise in a folder when they sit down with Bob Katter et al, he has been well versed in real time over the years to our plight, no catch-up necessary....no chance any of the party's can pull the wool over his eyes on this issues unless he allows it.
Strange state of affairs this having people in parliament that should hold an honest line for the voiceless even in the face of powerful shiny bum moderates...different Australia lately.
The NBN is important to future business, health and education needs but the labour plan is floored in that is reliant on cables. Cables are expensive to lay and once in are set at that speed until more are layed. The coalition plan for wireless is the most efficient to set up and the cheapest to upgrade in the future and with those upgrades will be much faster than labours cable. People are already moving towards wireless broadband in droves and disconnecting their landlines as mobiles and wireless broadband offer more versatility and are cheaper, a look at Telstras share price is proof of this as they are coping a flogging because the landline business is slumping. If the independants look into this they may realise this and not fall for the BS from labour. Hopefully they do and can still swing to the coalition and keep their electorates happy and us fishermen and not cost the country another $40 billion which would most likely end up like the BER.
Thanks for that deepfried. My son is studying computer technology/teaching at Griffith and is all for the NBN. Yep, it's a great idea and I welcome your info too as I haven't heard a thing against it from my son. I don't think it's a bad idea but like you say, needs more thought and not just the ALP throw money at it solution.
Would be nice if like I read this morning, they could agree on a coalition of both sides to govern our great nation. One commenter this morning said make Bob Katter PM and have him control the lot.Wow, wouldn't that be firey
Fibre mainly Andy. Wireless and Satellite where they can't or won't install fibre.
Here is the techie bit from a network communications veteran.....
Wireless at the moment is still a shared medium and the 802.11n environment has a max speed of 300mb half duplex BUT as more users attach to it, and those that use older technology, the radio's (if there is only one in the access point) dumb down to their levels. Wireless as a connectivity mechanism with speeds much much faster than currently available is the cheapest and quickest option to go with. Fibre requires changes to your home wiring to either take the fibre outlet to the wall socket or to convert it to a copper cable (similar to what you have now). The estimate for rewiring according to the commentators is $3k whereas wireless you don't need to change the household for simply broadband.
I went totally wireless a few months ago, cut the copper line intothe house and use voip for all house phone.
I love it! speeds faster than I got on adsl 1 nothing else available anyway, costs down by 70% for the same overall service.
Still it's a poor substitute compared to having fibre with a modern in technology high peak speed to my house.
Tony's plan is a great complimentary plan, pretty much an expansion of exactly what we have now....not good enough for the future but again a necessary compliment.
the only thing that would swing me toward a home phone line/naked is full fibre because without Telstra ripping the guts out of pricing for the service we should see true competitive uncorrupted wholesale behaviour and net service no slower than the computer it's self...a visionary ideal for such a determinedly dumbed down counrty.
Is there any subject matter important to the country the coalition during their term didn't rip the guts out off??, the list of fix-ups needed is never ending.
NBN is the only competent answer....someone has to embrace it or a close proximity but changed in name (for political reasons) otherwise we stay that dirty puddle down south.
My issue is if they let the leash off the market properly instead of protecting telstra, the market would have moved ahead and we would have this service well on the way. The problem with Australia is the tyranny of distance combined with a small relative population.
Look at Taiwain, they have fibre to the home, IPTV and much much more NOW.
Anyway, back to the topic. It is positive to see our Southern cousins at ECOfishers getting the questions asked. I am not sure if this is a NSW state thing though as they have an election coming up and they have not opened the doors to them at all. The opposition and fringe parties have though......maybe the QLD massacre based on the coastal vote has scared the proverbial out of them. I know it has the QLD Labor team.
Bluntly I think country regions need a better level of access and speed at a subsidised price to what it really would cost.
Fibre to the house has only been done in a few cities and I can tell you that none of them involved hanging it from poles as it was all in ducts underground. They estimate a 10 year lifespan of fibre on poles just from movement alone let alone cockatoos and trees etc but don't really know. Copper had a 50 year life. Wireless - well it don't wear out you just need towers and replace equipment in house or exchange.
Decent service and speed can be achieved with a decent fibre backbone with backhaul offerred to any company at a fair rate unlike the monopoly prices charged by the incumbants. Fibre is brilliant but a total waste for 95% of households in the next 5 years. Business in can get fibre now but due to
Labor policy is too expensive , $5000 per every house average and cost is likely to blow out like all big govt things. The introductory prices of $79 a month won't last long either except in city where there is competition.. A lot of people thought is was going to be free with no ongoing costs when placing their vote - go figure.. Their increase in speed was uncosted and companies don't just up the quality of end to end equipment for free. Liberal policy is a little underdone and not well explained so they need to be a lot clearer on who gets what when and the true quality of it. Showing what spectrum they will use for the last mile and more info on what the deal with telstra is is important to final costs/ quality .
Politicians must be crapping themselves that independants are asking for full numbers and also for the dodgy Murray Darling report to be released before they make a decision. Penny Wong and Julia with their bald mate will hope it all ends before they have to explain that one!!! They usually get away with all the lies without such scrutiny.
Would just be nice to get teh services we deserve for the taxes we pay- that would be a first
Fishing - yeah when I see it in writing and funding going to science not green groups I'll believe Labor even know we exist.
At around $200 per head of population. Clearly demonstrates WHY hard cables are just not the feasible way in this Country, at probably 20 times the cost per head, once the blow outs invariably happen.
How long do the fibres last, in any case? And can their capacity be increased without laying more cables?
My guts tell me a complete fibre network is not a good long term strategy, that a mix is better.
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
what do most people want the speed for? downloading movies etc ?
the current speed is probably fine for most people. I can email ACAD drawings in only a couple of minutes...no worries there at all.