I got up this morn and got ready for work only to find out i had a rdo, awsome.
so grabed my trusty little flick stick and headed to maroochy river.
i got to my spot and started casting a few squidgys around and managed a few small bream.
then in the corner of my eye i saw something swiming my way, it was a big flatty and it stoped to rest right at my feet, im thinking no way is this for reel.
so i droped my placky right on its head and it opened its big ass mouth and clamped down hard on my squidgy fish, again im thinking this cant be for reel.
then i drove the tt jig straight thrugh her fat lip with one of them yanky or jap style over the top hook ups where they try to rip the lips off the fish, and she came to life pritty quick and did the long slow run thing they do on light braid fallowed by the hard head shakes then i just let her do her thing till she was back at the bank.
i used my hat to lip grip her and slid my hand under to saport the belly and boy this girl was a fatty, it ws like she had swallowed a footy anyway thats enuff blabbering on she went 83cm and was fricken heavy and im stoked . i got one more just after, just not as big, hope you like it. hehe some bonus pics for yas as well hehe.