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Thread: A bit of green comedy

  1. #1

    A bit of green comedy

    Thought I would share this with some of you. Found this article while searching up Bob Kearney. It's basically a critique of a critique Dr Kearney made of a NSW Marine Parks document.

    Copy pasted an excerpt and bolded the funny part

    Kearney argues that “Evaluation is complex and imprecise, even in the few situations where catches are known”. This does not, however, stop Kearney from concluding that “While we procrastinate, others are gaining more securely defined rights, which are increasingly assuming the characteristics of either private property rights, legislative restrictions zones or politically correct restraints on practices.”

    The subjectivity evident in Kearney’s position is in stark contrast to accepted scientific evaluation techniques. Nevertheless, Kearney positions himself as a recreational fisher with a very blunt axe to grind. The evaluation begins with the value-laden assertion that “Recreational fishing is fun.” While this assertion is not substantiated in the paper, Kearney cites like-minded “fisheries scientists” in a self-reflexive manner, who assert that while 4000BP Egyptian murals depicting pole fishing “may have been for food, ‘ …it certainly looks fun’” (Pitcher and Hollingworth, 2002).

    In his paper, further self-reflexive analyses emerge with Kearney citing himself as lamenting “the lack of scientific rigour in Australia’s approach to assessing recreational fisheries (Kearney 1999a)”. Though this may be an inescapable conclusion, it does present an opportunity for a recreational fisher such as Kearney to impose unsubstantiated value-laden assertions that leave the non-fishing reader doubting whether any rigour will ever emerge for a serious and objective assessment.

    I apologise for the terrible english they have used but my interpretation of this is that "yes, there is a lack of scientific rigour in australias approach to assessing rec. fisheries, but bob makes it sound like there never will be"

    Love to hear your thoughts. To my way of thinking they have destroyed the entire green argument in 1 paragraph by admitting there is a lack of scientific rigour. couple this with the words "precautionary principle" plastered all over the greens website and I cant for the life of me see how I have such a hard time convincing non-fishing friends, family etc that there is no scientific basis for the green movements fishing plans.

    heres the link to the article:

  2. #2

    Re: A bit of green comedy

  3. #3

    Re: A bit of green comedy

    Interesting vids...thanks....

    I had never thought about fisihing as having a smaller carbon foot print than other means of commercially aquiring protien.......I think this comment must be confined to the realm of commercial I doubt that this would be true for the rec sector.

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