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Thread: River monsters

  1. #1

    River monsters

    Saw this on f@xtel the other night same fisherman that caught the big bullie in the Brissie river

  2. #2

    Re: River monsters

    Seen that as well the other day and was amazed at just how far up they suspect sharks are in fresh water,that 3 ft bully suggested breeding that far up as well.Scary thought eh.

    Perhaps others on here who have come across sharks a fair way up rivers could share there experience.



  3. #3

    Re: River monsters

    I watch this too on fox. like that show . and yes ya get bullies way further than you think they could survive. we get them way up in the further reaches of the pine river.
    is time to go fishing yet

  4. #4

    Re: River monsters

    Hi CT

    Not familiar with the Pine River,how far up the river ya reckon ?.



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