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Thread: legal size for pig fish & Robinson's sea bream??

  1. #1

    legal size for pig fish & Robinson's sea bream??

    Gedday Ausfisher's,
    As the title suggest's, I am wondering what the legal size is for pig fish? Are they classified as a fusilier? While I'm at it how about a Robinson's Sea bream? Have caught these to 38cm's but wondering what category they fall under? Thank's in a advance....


  2. #2

    Re: legal size for pig fish & Robinson's sea bream??

    Hi Terry,
    Pigfish is a Wrasse and has a length of 25cm. Pretty good eating better then snapper.

  3. #3

    Re: legal size for pig fish & Robinson's sea bream??

    try here therapy



  4. #4

    Re: legal size for pig fish & Robinson's sea bream??

    dont know about the better than Snapper to eat, I reckon they are somewhat mushy and tasteless, but they are not bad as such, just not what I would call great, catch plenty of them around my area.

  5. #5

    Re: legal size for pig fish & Robinson's sea bream??

    Do they catch them down there Noel? I thought they would be more a tropical species?

    The Japanese Sea Bream/Robinsons Sea Bream are right up there as far as eating quality go. I have only been associated with one from off Bowen but I think the Jap ones are thick out at Cato/Frederick/Saumerez etc.

    Size limit 25cm for all the fish mentioned in this thread except snapper.
    Last edited by Smithy; 19-08-2010 at 04:37 PM.

  6. #6

    Re: legal size for pig fish & Robinson's sea bream??

    Yeah the size for the sea bream is 25cm, I got a 55cm on Friday, i'll let you know how it tastes

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