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Thread: Are you up for a little chuckle?

  1. #16

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    You can guarantee that when there is extra Ballet/Soccer/Footy practice on the weekend it will be 5-10k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #17

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    No matter how much coaxing the neighbours cat will not play in the crab pot :0

  3. #18

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    Quote Originally Posted by samsnap View Post
    No matter how much coaxing the neighbours cat will not play in the crab pot :0
    My brothers cat played with a gold bomber once it involved a trip to the vet a $200 vet bill and kitty had three paws all pinned on the lure

  4. #19

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    I know I shouldn't laugh at that one Stuie.....but its just taken me ten minutes to settle down to write this reply. PMSL

  5. #20

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    the water here comes clear up to the shore.
    standing on a bridge
    watching water rushing under-
    neath it must have been much harder
    when there was no bridge just water

  6. #21

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    Even the most expensive Spotlight cannot see through the fog at night
    Reel Men Smoke Abu

  7. #22

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    Petrol/Diesel drops to 80c - 6 cyclones in a row!

  8. #23

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    The wind always picks up as soon as the boat hits the water

    Live life like a dog,If you cant eat it or hump it ,
    pee on it and walk away.

  9. #24

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    The sea is unrelenting!

    Calm night? 15 knt shocker land breeze to plough home!

    Unorginised greenhorns still catch fish.

    Loud noises dont chase fish away

    Waypoint beggars only get shit marks.

    The best knife falls overboard.

    The missus will untimately want a saltiga like you

    Theres room in a boat for 1 COBIA and no gear or people

    The best knots still break

    "We Filled Up" means 4 pickfish in a lunch box esky

  10. #25

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    Quote Originally Posted by mod5 View Post
    Only girls drink pink fizzy alcoholic drinks
    Elmer 1 Lucky 0

  11. #26

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    A rod holder should not be allowed to be positioned anywhere near the fuel filler cap

  12. #27

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    Fish will always bite 1 hour either side. 1 hour before you get there & 1 hour after you leave. tuG telluM
    Not all tools are usefull.
    Nappies and politicians should be changed regularly for the same reason..

  13. #28

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    Anchor ropes should always be tied off at the end

  14. #29

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    No matter where you anchor to fish , someone will anchor next to you

    Dropped fish always land on your foot....spine down

    The missus ALWAYS catches the first fish

    The monster fish target the lightest line

    Stick to the right hand side of the channel and someone will drive straight at you

  15. #30

    Re: Are you up for a little chuckle?

    If you scoff at "idiots" who forget thier bung, it WILL happen to you later that week

    The ocean may be huge but 'that boat' just happened to travel right to where you are

    Sand banks make you stop quickly

    If you dream about bagging out, you won't catch a thing

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