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Gut and Gill comps should be banned!
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Thread: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

  1. #1

    Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    What is everone's thoughts on banning Gut and Gill comps in the interest and the future of Recreational fishing?? I believe that all comps should be catch and release oriented! I know everone has a right to keep a feed but are do we all agree that in the best interests of our waterways future Catch and release should be encouraged, particulary at all major comps?? When I visited the Grabine comp at Wyanagal Dam it was very sad to see all the small fish struggling to breath in keeper nets across the dam...
    Your thought greatly appreciated...Matt

  2. #2

    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    They did it at Fraser where live tanks were set up on the beach. i dont know how they would go in the Moreton Bay comp as long distances are travelled by boat.

  3. #3

    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    Interesting thought Captain S...I guess I was looking at a Freshwater impoundment perspective, but an interesting thought indeed! Matt

  4. #4

    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    Sorry Poddy, I just realised you were discussing freshwater. I followed one of your posts from the Moreton Bay fishing comp! Yes freshwater would definitely be a great idea.


  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member jimbamb's Avatar
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    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    been thinking that way for years.killing fish to win a trophy isn't my idea of fishing or proving someone is the better fisher.
    Try fishing in an impoundment for weeks after a comp!!!!

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jun 2006

    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    fresh water comps yep catch photo release idea is good. I thought most fresh water comps in qld are like this. Matt Ffraser should be able to shed some light on this one.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    May 2006

    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    No reason why saltwater comps cant also be catch,photo and release. I was in one at Brunswick Heads recently and DPI even provided each competitor with a brag mat. A few competitors kept a couple of fish for a feed but the majority were released.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    I agree, even for salt water.. I was about to enter a comp recently until I realised that it was gut and gill only.. I've since rescinded my intention to sign up.

    I believe people should be allowed to keep a few fish for a feed but I think current bag and size limits need to be far stricter. Comps should ALL be catch and release.

    That's how I feel and before anyone gets their knickers in a bunch and chimes in I respect that my opinion isn't going to be the same as everyone elses.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    Quote Originally Posted by Chamelion View Post
    I agree, even for salt water.. I was about to enter a comp recently until I realised that it was gut and gill only.. I've since rescinded my intention to sign up.

    I believe people should be allowed to keep a few fish for a feed but I think current bag and size limits need to be far stricter. Comps should ALL be catch and release.

    That's how I feel and before anyone gets their knickers in a bunch and chimes in I respect that my opinion isn't going to be the same as everyone elses.
    One of the biggest things that annoys me with rec fishos and a lot of these so called fish friendly comps is: the anglers have bugger all idea about handling the fish and just because it is put back in the water does not mean it is going to survive. have a look at all the flathead pics you out ofthe held in bare held vertically..might as well just put em in the seky..same result..the fish dies.

  10. #10

    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    Bragmat and pic are a great idea. When it comes to comps with major prizes up around 50k then I recon there must be a clear way of identifying winners or else there may be legal implications as sad as it sounds but there are some sore losers around. Why not have a method where a scale is removed and this is tested for freshness and then size is calculated?


  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    Not sure if it should be banned but maybe optional for a brag mat and pic with maybe a bonus for releasing some of the bigger fish. And some regs and information on how fish are to be handled and released. Education goes a long way. But nobody should be looked down on for keeping legal fish for eating. Maybe comps should be banned full least in my back yard.....

  12. #12

    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    Pirtek Challenge uses the Bragmat/Photo concept,I think times are changing and the public perception of us as custodians would be enhanced by such a change in the way comps are run.IMO


  13. #13

    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    Gut and gill comps are ok if they are able to present their best fish of each species for entry, not the bag limit. I think however that all comps should make it mandatory to use a livewell so upgrades can be possible by all participants. The end of the day, they should be able to take their catch home after a comp whether or not it is a bag limit or not.
    Just making an across the board rule about everyone using a livewell will result in a better fishery and encourage responsible upgrading. I wonder if livewells can be legislated into all competitions as a matter of law?

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member Spot82's Avatar
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    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    In an offshore comp how are you going to keep a 15kg red emperor alive? Thats a bloody big live well!!! And in any case, anyone catching reef fish for a comp will keep them for a feed anyways.

    For impoundment and land or bay based comps with appropriate species then yes it should be the way.

    As others have mentioned there needs to be a lot better education of people who practice catch and release fishing as a lot of people don't know the correct techniques.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Sep 2008

    Re: Gut and Gill comps should be banned!

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    One of the biggest things that annoys me with rec fishos and a lot of these so called fish friendly comps is: the anglers have bugger all idea about handling the fish and just because it is put back in the water does not mean it is going to survive. have a look at all the flathead pics you out ofthe held in bare held vertically..might as well just put em in the seky..same result..the fish dies.
    Agreed entirely. Matt.

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