Nice work Mate,
It's all about persistence with the SP and mixing up your retrieves is all ways a good thing!!
I know it's been said before but welcome to the Dark Side my friend....
Take it easy
Went for a flathead fish on wednesday and thursday, Pulled in three flatties ( small ) 1 by me 2 by the girlfriend . Went down yesterday arvo i pulled in three flatties 35 - 47cm and a smal trevally all on a black and gold 70mm squidgy fish. The trevally were smashing stuff up everywhere before the sun went down so i must go there with a popper this afternoon!. All in all Good fun for an hours fish after work! No pics today forgot the phone.
Still being new to the whole soft plastic fishing i changed my technique to a more faster retrieve and longer pause. I was having no luck on the lift up twice ( wind in the slack) and pause so i changed it to a lift up twice wind lift up again twice and then few seconds longer pause and with taking mullet musketeers advice droping the tip and giving the fish a few seconds to do its thing really helped I only lost one fish that way.
Nice work Mate,
It's all about persistence with the SP and mixing up your retrieves is all ways a good thing!!
I know it's been said before but welcome to the Dark Side my friend....
Take it easy
Don't worry about others you've taken out - outfishing you.... it was you that put them onto the fish! Remember that....
Camera - yes!
Poppers - hell yeah!!
I keep telling myself that about putting the Mrs onto Barra mick