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Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release - Page 3
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Thread: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

  1. #31

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Good to at least see the Opposition parties have an awarenes of the issue, let's just not dwell on 'broken election promises'.........

  2. #32

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    The Howard Libs went to the 1998 election with the GST as part of their must have been asleep for that election.

    Bring back Work Choices..the Modern Awards are a farce and a joke.
    John Howard: "No, there's no way that a GST will ever be part of our policy."
    Journalist: "Never ever?"
    John Howard: "Never ever. It's dead. It was killed by the voters in the last election". - John Howard, interview, Tweed Heads Civic Centre, 2 May 1995

    None so blind as those who dont wish to see

  3. #33
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    I think we all should listen to Tony Abbott and get him to put it in writing as it may not be the gospel truth
    Regards to all Dick

  4. #34

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Are you game to take the risk labour will not go ahead with the Coral sea marine park?If and when this comes in what waterway is next on the hit list?If you sell boats,fishing gear,fuel,seafood or anything else to do with the fishing ,i would be scared shi less because your livelyhood may go down the shitter.With the greens help we ALL may as well sell our boats now while they are worth something ,if they get there way the boat will sit in the shed and collect dust.
    Time to stand up and be counted,vote Labour out while we have the chance,in 3 years it might be too late.

  5. #35

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    It was a Liberal government under Malcolm Frazer who declared a 36000sq km marine park in the Great barrier reef out from cairns and also in Oct 1979 the Capricornia section.
    Now Labor wants to declare one out in the coral sea where very few of us are ever likely to fish and they are the worst ba$tards in the world.
    Interesting to note it was also the liberals under Frazer who made the decision to have our local oil priced at world parity.
    I dont think it will matter who gets in. Fact is the population is growing and at the end of the days we need to have both protected zones ,size limits and bag limits to maintain a sustainable fishing environment. Governments may change but the same Department heads will be peer reviewing the science behind the closures etc. and the government (liberal or labor)will have their justification to allow the Dept of Environment and fisheries to go along as they want.
    They have had the green zones up here (north of Bundaberg) for a while and all you guys further south couldnt give a rats about it, now that further zones are muted for your area you are going to have a whinge. well,good luck to you.
    Come the end of the day if you want sustainable fishing accept the green zones

    let the bagging begin

  6. #36

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by bondy99 View Post
    I heard this many times before, any political party will say anything just to get your vote and soon as they are, they wipe their hands and dont want a bar of it.

    I've been around too long to get conned by BSA.
    jaded?? yeah me too. Although I believe very little that come out of Abbotts mouth or more preciesely I believe that leopards do not change their spots to quickly become labourised almost as if suddenly the majority demographic of Australia matters more than the 15% they do fully represent.

    Anyway this particular press release I do believe and for largely just one reason, up here the local news both channels are outwardly vivid green to the point of extremist/fundamental and actively ignore the anglers plight or anything balanced on environmental issues .

    Yet i caught some very quick vision of the opposition leader in the back of a game boat at marina talking to a couple of our local good guys , these good guys have been fighting tooth and nail for anglers for many years already...spoke volumes to me. i am confident that this oposition leader actually does understand Anglers issues and if not does have advisers at hand who are not puppets for environmental alarmists and extremists....never ever thought i would see the day I would say that.

    Hell they could be worth a vote just for this experiment

  7. #37
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by mangomick View Post
    It was a Liberal government under Malcolm Frazer who declared a 36000sq km marine park in the Great barrier reef out from cairns and also in Oct 1979 the Capricornia section.
    Now Labor wants to declare one out in the coral sea where very few of us are ever likely to fish and they are the worst ba$tards in the world.
    Interesting to note it was also the liberals under Frazer who made the decision to have our local oil priced at world parity.
    I dont think it will matter who gets in. Fact is the population is growing and at the end of the days we need to have both protected zones ,size limits and bag limits to maintain a sustainable fishing environment. Governments may change but the same Department heads will be peer reviewing the science behind the closures etc. and the government (liberal or labor)will have their justification to allow the Dept of Environment and fisheries to go along as they want.
    They have had the green zones up here (north of Bundaberg) for a while and all you guys further south couldnt give a rats about it, now that further zones are muted for your area you are going to have a whinge. well,good luck to you.
    Come the end of the day if you want sustainable fishing accept the green zones

    let the bagging begin
    so ya reckon no one fishes 2 miles off Fraser Is and Double Island Point ???

    why declare ANY no take areas without accurate scientific research carried out ??

  8. #38
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by mangomick View Post
    John Howard: "No, there's no way that a GST will ever be part of our policy."
    Journalist: "Never ever?"
    John Howard: "Never ever. It's dead. It was killed by the voters in the last election". - John Howard, interview, Tweed Heads Civic Centre, 2 May 1995

    None so blind as those who dont wish to see
    Yep, and Bob Hawke said no child would live in poverty either. Stop focussing on all the shit from the past. There's a heap of it from both sides and just as easy to argue this bollocks from both sides of the fence.

    Try focussing on current issues, eh?

    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  9. #39

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    so ya reckon no one fishes 2 miles off Fraser Is and Double Island Point ???

    I was referring to the proposed coral sea marine park that Garrett is reviewing and it starts a lot further out than 2 miles. What you are referring to is the extension of the GBRMP.Which was started by liberals
    You dont need to be Einstein to work out that population increases and over fishing put pressure on fish stocks just ask any old codger around about the fishing 30 years ago.
    fact is if we dont lock up a few areas and take the pressure off fish stocks the fishing will be stuffed in another 30 years. bag and size limits arent going to do it
    All I can see despite all the rhetoric is a liberal government restricting the week-end fisherman further and giving more freedom to the pros which isnt going to help sustain fish stocks.
    just jump on a trawler and see how much damage they do to juvenile fish stocks.Take a look at the gulls feeding behind them as they toss all the dead juvenile fish overboard
    All you blokes whinging about labor and marine parks have a look at who started the first one on the GBR and who started the first one in WA and while your at it see who started the first one in S.A

  10. #40

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by mangomick View Post
    You dont need to be Einstein to work out that population increases and over fishing put pressure on fish stocks just ask any old codger around about the fishing 30 years ago.
    Not many would/could argue with this, although it is a generalisation........and as such very difficult to qualify.........
    fact is if we dont lock up a few areas and take the pressure off fish stocks the fishing will be stuffed in another 30 years. bag and size limits arent going to do it
    Agreed but let's use genuine, as opposed to contrived, science to determine what and where, rather than green lock-out mentality
    All I can see despite all the rhetoric is a liberal government restricting the week-end fisherman further and giving more freedom to the pros which isnt going to help sustain fish stocks.
    Unfortunately you may well be on to something here; I don't mind admitting this scenario has me very, very concerned, if the way the travelling beach-haulers operate here in NSW each autumn/winter is anything to go by
    just jump on a trawler and see how much damage they do to juvenile fish stocks.Take a look at the gulls feeding behind them as they toss all the dead juvenile fish overboard
    Very true but by-catch exclusion devices are mandatory, are they not? Surely this area has and is continuing to improve
    All you blokes whinging about labor and marine parks have a look at who started the first one on the GBR and who started the first one in WA and while your at it see who started the first one in S.A
    All IMHO, of course..........

  11. #41
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    and ask any young bloke and he will tell ya that the fishing was marvellous 30 years ago..crap.

    30 years ago the bream numbers were similar to now..simple to catch a feed.
    You could not catch anything at Mud Island..they were dredging the hell out of it for the lime for the cement works.

    Now let me stokcs..we need green zones you say so that the stock will be sustainable. BUT..if the water quality is crap then it does not matter where you make green won;t be there. So how about looking at the results for the water quality of the river...all going backwards...and that is with an ALP State really care don't they.

    That is not to say any other Govt will improve it but very little is being done by the present mob.

    Next issue: Garrett has only been in the job almost 3 is impossible to carry out detailed research in that time to ascertain the fish stocks in the Coral Sea. Garrett is also responsible for the proposed Rainbow Beach/ Fraser Island closures. This is the same bloke that brought in the insulation debacle...he sure knows his job.

    but ask Mick..everything is previous LIbs Govt fault and the ALP is all rosy.

    Reality is..neither major Party has yet said anything to convince me they are capable of governing this country.

  12. #42

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post

    Reality is..neither major Party has yet said anything to convince me they are capable of governing this country.

    On that we agree
    As far as being a labor supporter. You've got me wrong there

    Liberal /Labor they're both the same as far as I can see. actually if Peter Costello or Malcolm Turnbull were leading the libs I would probably swing towards them. I'm just not a Tony Abbott fan. Then again I dont think Rudd was doing such a good job either

    All political parties are tarred with the same brush though. Abbott sees a few votes amongst the fishing fraternity and has now filletted a barra to prove how fair dinkum he his . labor doesnt need to because they did a sweet heart deal with the greens. if they hadnt, it would have been the other way round. If anyone really believes that the Libs are all for the recreational fisherman well good for them.

    We have had the green zones up here for a while now and I was dead against them at the start but in reality we have to do something like that to make sure fishing stays sustainable. A large percentage of Gladstone-ites have boats and the population is set to more than treble in the next 10 years. no doubt mackay townsville are going to do the same and in all probability most of the major coastal population centres along the coast. if no go zones arent made then the fishing is really going to be stuffed.
    I can remember what the fishing was like 30 years ago and I can remember the father in law telling me what it was like 30 years before that.
    Ask the guys who have been going up to Kurumba how the fishing was before the roads were improved and not as many people went there. The place was teeming with fish and greedy ba$tards used to take up huge freezers and fill them with fillets. Now the place is half stuffed and to rebuild the stocks bag limits are needed. What they also need to do is limit the amount of pros who net the place.
    its the same with the winter salmon run here in Gladstone. they hardly get a chance to get here because of all the nets strung down the narrows.
    Show me the party that restricts/bans netting and they can have my vote even if it means having to put up with 30% green zones

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