Slightly off topic - but similar theme - I sent in a letter to local MP regarding the proposed Coral Sea Closure and seeking assurances it wasn't a done deal with greens for preferences. Response i got (last night) was:
"Thank you for your email and the attached letter for Minister Garrett regarding the proposed Coral Sea closure.
I have forwarded your letter to the Minister but because the Government is now in caretaker mode the Minister is not in a position to respond. After the election has been and a new Government and ministry are sworn in I expect the then relevant Minister to respond.
The Gillard Labor Government is committed to protecting our oceans so that their rich marine life is conserved and sustainably managed into the future. Part of this commitment involves marine bioregional planning in Commonwealth waters, including the Coral Sea and the East Marine Bioregion. Through this process, we aim to establish a representative system of marine reserves by 2012.Work to identify a network of marine protected areas in the Coral Sea and the East marine region is well advanced.
The Coral Sea is a near-pristine marine environment that is internationally recognised for its rich biodiversity and important heritage values. The reefs, atolls and islands of the region form an important link between the habitats of the South Pacific and the Great Barrier Reef. The area also has significant cultural heritage value and a number of historic shipwrecks are located there. The Coral Sea and other areas in the East Marine Bioregion will be assessed to identify locations for both highly protected areas and multiple use areas where sustainable fishing will continue.
There will be extensive stakeholder consultation on the socio-economic values and uses associated with the East Marine Region. The first phase of consultation is currently underway, and there will be more intensive consultation once specific reserve proposals have been identified, and before any permanent protection measures are put in place. "
Pretty clear where things lie when you look at the two different policy statements.........