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Thread: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

  1. #16
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Feb 2002

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Slightly off topic - but similar theme - I sent in a letter to local MP regarding the proposed Coral Sea Closure and seeking assurances it wasn't a done deal with greens for preferences. Response i got (last night) was:

    "Thank you for your email and the attached letter for Minister Garrett regarding the proposed Coral Sea closure.

    I have forwarded your letter to the Minister but because the Government is now in caretaker mode the Minister is not in a position to respond. After the election has been and a new Government and ministry are sworn in I expect the then relevant Minister to respond.

    The Gillard Labor Government is committed to protecting our oceans so that their rich marine life is conserved and sustainably managed into the future. Part of this commitment involves marine bioregional planning in Commonwealth waters, including the Coral Sea and the East Marine Bioregion. Through this process, we aim to establish a representative system of marine reserves by 2012.Work to identify a network of marine protected areas in the Coral Sea and the East marine region is well advanced.

    The Coral Sea is a near-pristine marine environment that is internationally recognised for its rich biodiversity and important heritage values. The reefs, atolls and islands of the region form an important link between the habitats of the South Pacific and the Great Barrier Reef. The area also has significant cultural heritage value and a number of historic shipwrecks are located there. The Coral Sea and other areas in the East Marine Bioregion will be assessed to identify locations for both highly protected areas and multiple use areas where sustainable fishing will continue.

    There will be extensive stakeholder consultation on the socio-economic values and uses associated with the East Marine Region. The first phase of consultation is currently underway, and there will be more intensive consultation once specific reserve proposals have been identified, and before any permanent protection measures are put in place. "

    Pretty clear where things lie when you look at the two different policy statements.........


  2. #17

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    I heard this many times before, any political party will say anything just to get your vote and soon as they are, they wipe their hands and dont want a bar of it.

    I've been around too long to get conned by BSA.

  3. #18

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    The election is coming down to the age old argument of not - "who will do the best job" BUT "who can screw up the economy some more and set the worst policies". Here we have a Gillard 'Foreign Policy' of intervention inside territorial waters - she will never go abroad and be accepted like Rudd was - at least he tried. Abbot doesn't excite me but Gillard is dead from the neck down - all mouth and no action (apart from the education/schools), but wait for it ............. we can go forward together!!! LOL what a joke - all together forward down the gurgler leaving another bad legacy from another poor govt. Now I know what Lemmings are.
    Happy voting everyone but leave my fish alone.

    PS: Isnt it funny that one year after George Bush was elected, no-one admitted that they voted for him!!! Obama is going slightly better, but Gillard & Abbot - no one will admit to it by the end of the year - you wait and see.

  4. #19
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Nov 2006

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    All i know is that if labour win's it more or less costs me my business that i've got $400000 invested in but if the libs win i've got a business and can continue to work and have some kind of future, the libs just from my family and freinds alone that didn't have any idea of their fishing policy will now be getting at least another 100 or my votes i just hope most other fisherman have their freinds and help push the message.

  5. #20
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by mangomick View Post
    It was a what??? and widely known by who.........You've got to be joking

    I think Steelers recolection is more factual.

    Bottom line is forget all the rhetoric. It's election time and if you believe any of the spin from any of the candidates Labor or liberal you need your heads read. Oh all except for shane Cs train line thats got to be a definate goer. err someday
    The Howard Libs went to the 1998 election with the GST as part of their must have been asleep for that election.

    Bring back Work Choices..the Modern Awards are a farce and a joke.

  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member gr hilly's Avatar
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    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Alan Jones this morning talking to Gillard a must for all ears.

  7. #22
    Ausfish Platinum Member ShaneC's Avatar
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    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Thanks Pinhead, I was starting to think I dreamt it!!!

    Work Choices had its place but if people were to read into Labor's workplace reform and policies they would find that the fine print is interesting as well.....

    I just wanna go fishing

    GO TONY!!!

  8. #23
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by gr hilly View Post
    Alan Jones this morning talking to Gillard a must for all ears.
    Mate, that is a cracker of an interview - just listened to it on the 2GB website.

  9. #24
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    when is the garbage about Gillard v Abbott going to end? This is not about the is about the entire policies of each Party. Leaders can come and be thrown out overnight..just ask Kevvy about that one.
    Have heard people saying Gillard is popular because she is a inane is that?
    I don't give a damn if she is a the moment she is just the leader of the Parliamentary wing of the Abbott is for the Liberals.

    When will the media stop all this he v she crap.?

  10. #25

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    The absolute worst position would be a labour minority government holding power in conjunction with the greens. The greens would absolutely put an end to fishing and any other enjoyable hobby. You simply cannot vote Green or ALP unless you want to spend your weekends watching wildlife documentaries on widescreen TV ..... That ain't living!!

  11. #26

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    when is the garbage about Gillard v Abbott going to end? This is not about the is about the entire policies of each Party. Leaders can come and be thrown out overnight..just ask Kevvy about that one.
    Have heard people saying Gillard is popular because she is a inane is that?
    I don't give a damn if she is a the moment she is just the leader of the Parliamentary wing of the Abbott is for the Liberals.

    When will the media stop all this he v she crap.?
    When the sheeple stop hoovering it up like Ben Cousins goes to town an a brick of coke.

    90% of voters will give their vote to which ever leader they 'like' best, that is to whomever is representing the party in their electorate. I wouldn't put it past some to vote for a convicted murderer is they liked the leader of the party they represented. Gillard (and in consequence Labor) will have 2 things to count on this election, the women's libber vote, and greens preferences, hell my old girl still insists on voting labor just because Gillard is a she.....I'm considering locking her up on election day and just paying the $50 dollar fine just to stop one vote going to the most inept Govt I can ever recall.

    Either way the libs/nats have my vote, lesser of 2 evils I think

  12. #27
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    There is still a good chance that the Greens will hold the balance of power in the senate even if Abbot wins. And deals will have to be done to get legislation through the senate. Don't get too excited about election promises.

    PUT THE GREENS LAST. Vote Shooters and Fishers 1 in the senate.

  13. #28

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    Abbott even said it is a certainty the Greens will hold the balance in the senate.

  14. #29
    Ausfish Platinum Member Angla's Avatar
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    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    I would prefer to see a swing to the lib/nats that can rule in it's own right without greens. Maybe a few independants to keep them honest. But I fear greens will give power to labour.

    Work is scarce for me now and I predict it will be worse under further labour.

    Heaven help us all

  15. #30

    Re: Coalition's Marine Park policy - Press Release

    A COALITION government would "unlock" Australia's coastal waters by immediately suspending the marine protection area process, Tony Abbott says.

    The Opposition Leader said the fishing and tourism industries were under threat from protection orders limiting fishing.
    He said a Coalition government would open “serious consultation” with affected industries and communities before declaring any marine protection areas.
    Mr Abbott conceded the Howard government had begun the process of establishing marine protected areas, but said Labor had not adopted a balanced approach.
    The Opposition Leader said “the whole of Australia's coastal waters, right around our continent, from the three mile limit to the edge of the 200 mile economic zone” were potentially subject to marine protection area orders.
    “They can range right up to a no-take zone, which obviously would be extremely damaging for our fishing and tourism industries which would rely on these waters being open and available.

    “The Coalition in government will immediately suspend the marine protection area process which is threatening the livelihoods of many people in the fishing industry, many people in the tourism industry, and which is threatening to lock up our oceans.”
    Mr Abbott made the announcement while campaigning in the central Queensland coastal city of Mackay, where he filleted a giant barramundi at the local fishworks.

    `This is a very important issue right around Australia,” he said.
    “It's not been much in the major metropolitan media,” Mr Abbott said.
    “Certainly this is an issue which is deeply troubling regional Australia. And it's deeply troubling a whole lot of people who enjoy fishing.
    “It's very important that we don't do anything as a government that unreasonably threatens the livelihood of the fishing industries and the tourism industries on which so much of Australia depends.”

    Courtesy Courier Mail.

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