can you believe this yet another 15-20knot forecast north of cairns and 10-15 south of cairns for saturday. Im moving south f@## this. I think im gunna go anyway
can you believe this yet another 15-20knot forecast north of cairns and 10-15 south of cairns for saturday. Im moving south f@## this. I think im gunna go anyway
I'm hinting at the father in law to go Saturday out off Innisfail. Fingers crossed it drops off a little.
But it is bullsh*t this weather.
Probably going to head out to the reef tomorrow and Saturday. Got a mate coming up for a spearing trip so it won't be too bad for us if its a bit lumpy.
I'm thinking about it but it will be lumpy. Saturday might be bit better.
im going saturday ive had enough, it not gunna be calm out there that for sure it hasnt had a chance to settle but saturday should be less than 20knots and im desperate
I reckon Saturday will be a cracker. I've got to work unfortunately. Went down the inlet today, got bricked by a decent jack and then dropped a nice barra on a stickbait when he belted it about 2 foot into the air. Oh well, sh#t happens.
I have a spare spot on my boat tomorrow if none is interested in the next hour before I go to bed. Only two of us on the boat
Today was a cracker! And even more excited for tomorrow!
We speared a nice coral trout and caught 3 baby Mack's between diving on halco lasers. Then just as we had had enough we put the lures out again at about 2pm and hooked a Mack that went over a meter. Got him in the boat and esky with some bending. Just cooked some up and it was delicious!!!
Bring on tomorrow!
Honestly the spearing was rubbish, but it's always nice to see the coral/pretty fish/turtles & sharks. If i ever went blind they would be best visual memories.
I got frigged around so no fishing this week. I'm devastated, but that's the beauties of starting your own business. If anyone needs their tax done in the Cairns area, give me a PM. I do special rates for Ausfish members.
Quick trip report got out today conditions were average early this morning but the day turned out to be a great day as the wind dropped off and sun came out all day. Unfortunately the underwater vis was atrocious but we worked in it and ended up with our bag limit of 14 trout 3 black spot tuskies 1 jack and 1 Spanish all taken speafishing. There was bugger all Spanish around underwater.
As Daintree said. Good day out. Average spearing vis. Got a good sharkie on lures, speared trout and black spot tusk fish. Lots of undersized Mack's also. (On lures)
Could easy cruise on 30kts on the way home.
Out on the piss now for the full moon party. Young and living it up!
Fished pixie for a few hours for nil. Lumpy early and flat most afternoon.
Hit Sudbury yesterday 1 spanish bugger all on the bottom. Plenty of whale action. Good weather. Any other reports?
Trolled wreck off Double Is Friday arvo with gar between 4 and 6 pm saw three spaniards jump about 3 metres in the air chasing baitfish . Told the bride we will score one for sure. Had one strike. Nothin
Returned Sat morn and trolled again for 3 hours among 6 other boats ans saw zip . Never saw any action on thr other boats either. Very disappointed
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"