Hey guys,
I'll be back in god's country in late december and I can't wait! I've heard that 6 potential cyclones are predicted for this season?!?
Hey guys,
I'll be back in god's country in late december and I can't wait! I've heard that 6 potential cyclones are predicted for this season?!?
Didnt They Predict 8 Or 9 Last Year And Not One Turned Up?
Its one fool thing that the Climate Gurus keep offering to the media. - this irrational negative prediction year after year.???
Why not just say " Now everyone please remember we live in the tropics and we get cyclones in this region, so lets all remain aware and vigilant again this year"
Would be far more responsible and the sensationalizing negative media would have to find something else to print to help kep tourists away from our region.
Really annoys me year after year!
I'll tell you guys now, saturday was not what they forecast.
Fishing wise was terrible, mongrel sharks. When through a box of 8/0's in one day from the buggars. Next trip I think might be shark irradication. Any tips? I'm thinking 12/0 to some wire, and shooting them. It's getting that bad I think.
heard a couple of similar reports re the sharks! soon as we have got onto any decent fish lately, the sharks are right there with them.
Have a bit more of a chance in the deeper water, but they still sniff you out pretty quick.
The worst thing is, they know what the quality fish are and let the trash through...
Didn't head out on the weekend, sounds like it wasn't a bad decision.
p.s - Odes i totally agree!
That's exactly right, they let all the other sh*t through like trevally, and cod and red bass and chinamen, but as soon as you got a trout we got hammered. You'd only get 2-3 metres and sometimes not even that and you'd get hammered.
It was like they'd knock the trout off just behind the head and then another one would come through and take the head and you'd get him on the line for a while.
By the sounds of it there seem to be more and more sharks about? I don't understand. I thought with the green zones there would be more fish for them. Wish they'd piss off. Every day the thought of shark irradication is growing on me ha. Just I don't know how many there is.
got stuff-all yesterday. Sharks and barracuda was about it.
Hi guys,
It's great to be back in paradise, even with the rain...
If anyone is looking for an offshore deckie I've got all of January off. I've got a 4.8m but will mostly fish the rivers etc in that and some inshore stuff. I've got all my own rods, reels, hooks, sinkers, lures etc.
I'm very keen to head back out into the deeper blue. I'm handy with a gaff, can gut and clean fish etc and know how to clean down a boat properly. Also happy to split costs etc as per skippers thoughts. I also respect your privacy and understand that your spots are your spots, I expect the same when people fish with me also.
Anyway end of rant just keen to get out there, will post this in the M&G section too, PM me if you want my details, cheers. Nick.
hi guys,
anyone else have difficulty finding the furtherest wreck out from double island? used the gps marks from fishfinder 8 magazine and looked on the chart too, couldn't find anything looking like a wreck? number 2 wreck was there tho... has the number 3 been obliterated, or is the chart wrong?!?
Hi Nicko,
Haven't found anything on the bottom per se - but have seen plenty of fish - so was in the right area - just didn't have time to properly grid the area to find it. (spent 15 mins or so though for no dice). Suspect there's not much left of it.
Believe it is there though - still waiting to get the exact mark off a mate.
Irrational negative prediction? Stick it to the media all you want, you'll find no argument from me, but meteorological predictions based on past data are what enables you & me to know when to head out wide, when to hit the creeks, and when to get the motor serviced. It's the biggest La Nina we've seen for donkey's years, half of QLD is swimming, and TC Anthony is number two, with a big one coming behind him...and early models for one shortly after that, and we'll only be in mid-Feb. Seems like the "fool gurus" might know a thing or two...
Thanks Moffy,
I live just down the road, so I'll troll a grid and watch for structure, will let you know if I find it. If you haven't heard from me and you get the spot tho...
I'll head out tuesday as I'm still on holidays afterallI'm mainly after a reliable bait school just offshore, so I plan on doing a fair bit of looking about, will let you know if I hit paydirt.
I have trolled a mackerel lure up/down and in concentric circles all over the general area of that wreck at least a couple of hours worth over a few trips and didn't find it, suspect now it is but a general lump on the bottom easily mistaken for rubble or the like.
But I dunno, interested to hear if it is actually still there, the water is so shallow one can be off grid by a couple metre's and never know just how close they came.