Just to clarify, the boat was doing 30 knots, not the wind.
Just to clarify, the boat was doing 30 knots, not the wind.
Anyone get out off Cairns this week or planning to this weekend? It looks bloody fantastic out there from my office. Too bad I'm inside and not out there?
Are the fish playing the game or have they shut down with the heat?
No chance for me unfortunately, the boat is still a few weeks off being ready for use again.
I got out last sunday with the dive club and we managed to get a decent feed of fish. I ended up with 6 nice trout (up to 3kg) from 4hrs in the water. always hard work getting fish in a comp though. There were a lot of smaller trout around (15cm-35cm range) would see probably 10 of them for every legal trout. Can't help you about them biting though we were only spearing.
I should be heading out tomorrow for a fish with the parents and hoping to get out to the shelf on saturday spearfishing if i can find a crew. Hoping the weather stays as its forecasted.
Was talking to a mate who went out last night and found things very slow. Got stuff all.
I'm hoping to get out tomorrow night so we'll see.
I went on saturday out off innisfail. Managed 12 trout and a few red throats etc. Was home by 3.30ish. So was pretty happy.
Well I got out last night. Friggen windy and a shocking short hard chop from the North. The fish were on and we got a few decent Large mouth but I ended up spewing my heart up so we came home before midnight. Can't remember the last time I chundered.
hahaha yer sometimes it can just creep up on ya, the warm northerly breeze never helps things.
At least you got a couple fish onboard, maybe it was the burley..
I headed out to linden bank on Saturday for a soft plastic session, only produced a couple of trout before going back to bait. The trout came on the chew just before dark. Bit of current from the north made it a little hard, although a wog head out the back in the current allowed the gar to basically swim mid water, resulting in a healthy spaniard on sunset.
Nice. YOu get them deep. We went wednesday night to a few spots in grafton passage widish and got a two nice trout from bommies in 60m. Wasn't exceptional, managed 13 fish between 3 of us. One nice red, 2 large mouths, a small mouth and a bunch of spangled. Would have been good if it wasn't for the sharks but didn't want to move as the other spots produced almost zip. And catfish, bloody catfish, one unlucky sole got 7..haha captain catfish. Much to our amusement the sharks wouldn't touch them.. The water was very green until we passed arlington too. Caught alot of blugers latley too. Every where, on the bottom and throwing lures to schools on the surface...
Na we got them in about 20-25m. So pretty shallow, nearly all in the middle of the day which is unusual for this time of the year. The spots I've got in Cairns we get them fairly deep 25-35m. But in innisfail we seem to do better around the 20-25m. But I know some guys get them regularly in 40m+ off innisfail mixed in with reds and big mouth. I don't have their spots tho.
Hey has any body been out night trips off Cairns lately? This wind is hangin in there. I'm Keen as but had no real good openings.
Any one else had any luck?
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"
Did anyone head out last week/weekend. We got out Saturday for pretty good weather and managed 17 trout and a few green jobbies.
We trolled pixie all day Saturday for very little. Mate fished Friday night for 30 fish mostly spanglies out at Jenny Louise. Other mate fished fitzroy for two sails and missed a black. Sounds like the spaniards are in close.
Bagged out on Mack's today at pixie. Anyone else out ?
Sat night was the shittiest trip I've had off Cairns. Anyone do well?