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Thread: Trim Tabs

  1. #31
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Trim Tabs

    Quote Originally Posted by scuttlebutt View Post
    I get that Scott, happens when I put the tabs down too far. When using them to put the nose down you can only push them so far before it gets a bit doughy.

    Yeah sounds like you have em down to far if its into a head/beamish sea.
    To far down you end up with to much steer in your bow,
    as soon as a wave hits and pushes your hull a fraction off-course your boat then wants to keep steering in that direction

  2. #32
    Ausfish Premium Member
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    Re: Trim Tabs

    I'm still amaazed by the Trim Tab conuundrum! They should be standard on all deep V hulls. Every second mono hull I see, travels along, with a list to one side. This can be caused by prop torque,wind effect,load position. A set of tabs will correct this and make the ride smoother because a level hull lands more softly. Sometimes, I wish I only installed the one on the port side, because of the prop-torque effect, I mostly use the port side tab and rarely use the stbd side one.
    Yes they can help to lower the nose when punching into a headsea, but engine trim has almost the same effect.
    Do they improve economy? I reckon not. The extra drag is noticeable, but the improved ride is worth it.
    One thing that nobody ever mentions is that using tabs actually lifts the transom at speed and changes the height of the prop in the water, therefore requiring more down trim on the engine, to avoid ventilation.
    I constantly adjust my tabs when running along, as people move about in the boat, as the wind changes, as the sea state changes, to get the best ride.
    Oh a following sea, its best to use little or no tab at all. The last thing you want is something forcing the nose down when you hit the trough of a wave!

  3. #33
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Re: Trim Tabs

    Quote Originally Posted by Snapperscott View Post

    Definately not a following sea more of a right to left sea coming through the front right quarter that im trying to go through. What happens is the boat just starts to head right as if you were in a plane making a turn. I need to over correct it to get it back straight. The problem is it just feels really uneasy for me and for passengers.

    I should say trimming my motor does very little for bringing the nose down. Very little at all. But I'm about to put on a stainless prop and lift the motor up a notch.

    Anyone else have a sense of lack of control using the tabs?

    This is a really helpful thread!

    IMO the problem you are describing is from having your nose trimmed too hard into the sea which allows it to grab and grip and run off on a tangent. To me the advice to get your nose up would help you greatly and then just use your tabs to stay level from that point.

  4. #34
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Trim Tabs

    Has anyone put QL's on a Vagabond ??
    I am really interested in how they went and how they did the installation.

    What sort and size do others think would work the best


  5. #35
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Re: Trim Tabs

    Hi Fishfeeder

    I have a Vagabond and have fitted tabs as an after market item.

    I asked Lindsay Fry (Previous owner etc of Seafarer) for his recommendation and he advised Lencos that I subsequently had him fit.

    Benefits are lengthened hull with more bum lift even when the Lencos are fully up and no extra drag (speed reduction and extra fuel used) which will be an issue more than likely with what your thinking of.

    Great hull levelling so no more shoulder banging into head or angled off head seas.

    Need to drill a hole thru the rear steps / boarding platforms to fit the screw drive and only a small hole up high for the electrical cable ( No hydraulics )

    Used the simple toggle switches so no leds etc or self lifting gear to have issues with. You only need to tap for a split second to get the desired outcome with the Lencos. If you cannot feel where the tabs are maybe ..........?( I'm going be nice)

    Have fun with the project.

    What could go wrong.......................

  6. #36
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Trim Tabs

    I have a single Evinrude 200hp on the ass so maybe a bit lighter then yours. I was more interested in the leveling the ride and a bit slower planing for covering more ground when searching for fishies, seeing that the QL's disturb the water under the boat I was wondering if that will effect the transducer/readings (I have through hull).

    Also the least amount of holes through the hull under the water can only be a good thing.

    It seems there are a lot of good points for each unit so $$$$ might be the biggest factor


  7. #37
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Re: Trim Tabs

    Too true as there is 135 odd kg difference.

    The plate type tabs will give slower planning with little drag and next to no disturbance. i found this to be the case on another boat I had too.

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  8. #38

    Re: Trim Tabs

    new lencos come standard with auto retract, landed mine from the states for $750. (12x12 edgemount with standard switch)
    check the measurement on the edgemount lencos as the ram is on a bigger angle so they dont come up as far and they may fit under the boarding step without needing a hole cut through. i just squeezed it in under the platform on my haines.

  9. #39

    Re: Trim Tabs

    Had a chat with hayden Whyld and they are cutting the mount off the tab and shifting it back then mounting the ram under the step on a vagabond. they use the short ram from bennetts.

    cheers, Stu

  10. #40

    Re: Trim Tabs

    Hi Guys

    installing Lenco's this weekend (not very technically minded) it says in directions the orange wire is attached to Tacho to enable auto retraction. How is this done attached to what part or what wire of the tacho ? any help appreciated.

  11. #41
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Re: Trim Tabs

    Hi Chimo and Deathship and others, what would be the optimum size in a Lencos set of tabs to fit to my Yalta Odessa 2000 6.1 m (20ft) ??

    Thanks everyone for an fantastic thread, I can't believe that in all the boating I do that i have not realized sooner how much these babies will assist my ride etc. My rig has a fair sized canopy so she always leans into the wind in a 12 knot upward sea, and i have now understood how much side slap I have been putting up with

  12. #42

    Re: Trim Tabs

    Quote Originally Posted by sporty1 View Post
    Hi Guys

    installing Lenco's this weekend (not very technically minded) it says in directions the orange wire is attached to Tacho to enable auto retraction. How is this done attached to what part or what wire of the tacho ? any help appreciated.
    can be any wire that loses power to it when the key is turned off. so when motor stops tabs come up. this wire sends the signal to the control box. if u dont hook it up they will still work but not auto retract.

  13. #43

    Re: Trim Tabs

    Quote Originally Posted by odes20 View Post
    Hi Chimo and Deathship and others, what would be the optimum size in a Lencos set of tabs to fit to my Yalta Odessa 2000 6.1 m (20ft) ??

    Thanks everyone for an fantastic thread, I can't believe that in all the boating I do that i have not realized sooner how much these babies will assist my ride etc. My rig has a fair sized canopy so she always leans into the wind in a 12 knot upward sea, and i have now understood how much side slap I have been putting up with
    probably 9x12 or 12x12 edgemount
    check it here

  14. #44
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Trim Tabs

    Hi John

    I forget what mine are but I'll go and measure mine later and get back to you.
    On a Vag so probably similar to what you may need.


    PS Forgot I had these pics with built in measurements
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  15. #45

    Re: Trim Tabs

    Yep once you've been flat you'll never go back. Mine are Bennett 120 sport tabs and have no trouble at all trimming my Vag even with it's big canopy and it's podless deep v. The hull is very responsive to them and they make it a joy to drive. Cheers. Ps eas to fit myself too. I did short rams for the swim platform. Excellent quality gear.
    Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
    Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing

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