Looks good all the way down to the spit boys, they will probably have the mother ship and fuel barge at Rooneys on the first night at least with the easterly breeze forcasted at this stage. I know what your saying on the peparation for a trip like this, I've covered the following, bearings on the trailer repacked, anchor light dodgy bulb and faded glass cover replaced, eskies re-gellcoated, reels serviced, new line spooled up, lures rigged, etec oil bottled up for use on the boat, new hinge put in on front fuel tank false floor hatch, windows and side curtains mr sheen cleaned, a couple of side clears clips replaced, boat polished, tyrers all inflated to correct pressures and spare also brought up to correct psi, trolley jack checked and put into the landcruiser ready, beer purchased, ice ordered, a bit of sika flex splashed around for good measure on a few of the transom seals and pickup pipes, and today, fuelled up the boat, and found a crack in the main filler hose from the gunnel to the rear tank, got to love it when you think all is just about ready and then another 2 hr job to replace the 38mm fuel hose, had to remove the oil injection bottle off the floor, undo the deck wash pump, and move a battery to get to the rear gunnel mounted hose clamp, and of course a bit of fuel was lost into the hull, so a full wash out was then in order of the buildge area.... and it goes on and on.... any way, glad I have had the week off to ensure things like this are all sorted before heading up there for the 4 days, better to find these things now than friday night when refueling off the fuel barge. Then the anchor rope had got dislodged from the bow spirit at some stage and had nearly worn through, nearly didn't see that one, so a splice job to mend it up was also another excuse for a couple of beers yesterday afternoon, seems to be always something to have a few coldies over whilst sorting the all the stuff out. Anyway, can't be too many more things to fix or service or replace or repair, or add on..... I Just want to go fishing..... Did I mention I cut my leg nearly needing stitches on a piece of steel in the shed whilst looking for the tag pole. Missus doctored me up, so I'm good to go still.... It never ends.... Best I start writing a list for the things yet to put into the boat, otherwise I will be turning up with only half the gear, it is all stacked up ready in some form of order in the shed, Struth I got a lot of stuff....
My boat is called White Horse 2, 6.2mt white pride president half cabin with 200hp etec. If it is real choppy at any stage during the comp, would you mind if we tagged in behind you when heading out over the bar, just to get us to the grounds without breaking our spines if it does go over 20kts.
Also do you still have your sea phone (that you listed for the 1770 M&G) that I could leave the missus in case of emergency, so she can ring you and you can radio me on the VHF? my mobile works most of the time up there, but not always.... This extra line of communication would be great if You are happy for Margie to call only if required. Cheers Kev. ps I'm excited!