A few fellow ausfishers are there now Skip. Watch for their reports in a week or so.
G'day was wondering if anyone has been to Fraser lately and:
a) how is the weed situation this year
b) how's the fishing for Tailor and whiting?
Off in a few weeks.
A few fellow ausfishers are there now Skip. Watch for their reports in a week or so.
went last week. No weed. tailor are there just have to find the gutter they are in. Caught average size ones north of Happy Valley. Undersize jew in with them. Cannot believe the beach worms though. They are every where and as thick as fleas. Was pulling 5 without moving my feet.
Hey Skip
What dates are you heading up to Fraser. I have myself and 8 others heading up on 7th August staying in a house at Orchid beach. I reckon a Ausfish get together at Waddy Point would make for a good chat.
Not sure there are many dealers on Fraser - your best to probably score your weed in Brisbane and take it over with you.
Ah very good from cheech and chong, I mean chris n just-chips. Always wondered why the shops are always out of Orchy juice and the hoses don't seem to quite reach the gardens anymore...
Tailorfisho78, me and 5 others are there the same week, at Happy Valley. Keep in touch, perhaps we could meet half way?
Like the sound of the worms. Hope the whiting are about too.
Most of the troopies will be carrying it.
Dunno about fraser, but weed has increased around the sandy straights in the last week. River heads had plenty this weekend, and Burrum river has a bit.
Fishing- It's only an addiction if you're trying to quit.
Rang the boys on the Mantaray yesterday 5/8, to see what the weed is like
All clear at the moment, fingers crossed, going up next week