I have a 485 runabout with an F60 and 80L tank. The fuel range is quite good for an average of around 5000rpms and 20 knots. I'm getting 180klms or around 100nms from a tank.
Questions are:
1. This engine has peak hp at 5500rpms and wot at 6000rpms. Can you run the engine at 5500rpms continuously ?
2. Can you run WOT continuously ? I'm not saying that I do this but can these modern engines handle it ?
My boat tops out fully loaded at 24kn and 6000rpms (WOT) so I think I have it propped correctly. Cruising speed is around 20-21 knots at 5000rpms and 23-24 at 5600rpms.
I usually travel 45mins at 5200-5600rpms to get to my spots when fishing. Is running these rps ok ?
I see no increase in speed above 5600rpm so 5600 technically my WOT.