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Thread: Old tuna fishing vid

  1. #1

    Old tuna fishing vid

    I first saw this as a kid on TV and only recently on another fishing forum so thought i would put it up here.

    A few of you may have seen it but it is worth looking at again. Some tuff as fishermen in those days wielding cane polls.

  2. #2

    Re: Old tuna fishing vid

    Can you imagine the tuna that must have swum in our oceans at one time.

    It would have been awe inspiring to see.


  3. #3

    Re: Old tuna fishing vid

    And to think the tuna fishery of the world would never have existed if a couple of AF members hadn't invented the bucktail jig............... What was old is new again.

  4. #4

    Re: Old tuna fishing vid

    thats insane

  5. #5

    Re: Old tuna fishing vid

    Yeah, deep fried, good nostalgic stuff.

    The yanks always tend to sensationalise their epics.

    Only one hiccup with me why do they have to put music to cover the natural sounds instead of just being ala natural?

    That is one big workout and yep there certainly was a load of tuna those days.

  6. #6

    Re: Old tuna fishing vid

    Mmmmmmmm Sushi.

  7. #7

    Re: Old tuna fishing vid

    Amazing, Nice to be standing in all that blood while the grey suits are about

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