The full story,what exactly happened or those involved may never be known.
That we can't change.
Only those directly responsible have the answers.
The jungle drum let it be known that something had occured even before this post began.
But,where to from here??
The local community feels let down.For me,that is the biggest concern.
A quick apology on a website only says sorry to us.Perhaps to earn some respect back in the wider community,the same energy put into making these "muster/crew"events happen could be channelled into making something positive happen for the locals.
Perhaps donating a weekend to help the local fish stocking association program?
Organising and attending a bankside cleanup of Lake Monduran?
Organising a roadside cleanup of Gin-Gin?
Just some very quickly thought up examples to work from.
Start it as a sticky thread at the top of this section,bounce ideas around.Lead the way fella's.
Might help turn this negative into a positive...
I know,I can hear it is easier to argue for a mate who is in the wrong.Or to simply just not respond.
Actions do speak louder than words,and could really help in this case.
Any man can say sorry.But a real man makes things right.