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Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ? - Page 4
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Thread: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

  1. #46

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    Can we have an explanation as to WHY someone would do such a stupid thing? Was alcohol involved?

    Shame, shame, shame

  2. #47
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    Well sounds liek we have alot of perfect angels on this site that are willing to hammer others when they dont know the full details . This was not a smart thing to do but in the other sense it takes a big man to admit he was stupid which he has done so what the problem now yous all want to put him on a stake and quarter him . I hope this is not the case he has provided some great discussions over time on here and i would hate to see it become a plain old bitch site

    . oh my bad it just has , LET IT GO , its been discussed enough move on find something else to bag im sure there is something out there. Let the ones who need to deal with thisdeal with it how they see fit . Who are well all to judge im sure yous have gone out smacking a cane toad with a golf club in ya time well that is cruilty to animals no different as far as im concern you cant say protect nature and selevct parts of that you will protect but forget the rest all living and breathing things are parts of it
    . I would hope we all are adults and can move past this and keep the great info coming .

    Fitzy hit the nail on the head no one died there was no wild life hurt the tree sounds like it had no nest and like he said if there was a nest then they will build again . Sounds like yous wanted it to have a nest

    I also belive that there seems to be alot that think rules need to be followed then tell me this why is it that there are some many blokes in flash big boats that go past you at over 6knots when they are within 30 metres of another vessel and think its ok is this different to a prank by one silly fellow i dont think so those that do it know who im talking bout and im sure will bite on it . I and may others belive that the speed they travel at is more dangerous then what he did(not that i condone burning down of anything ) . So i can't see what the hole fired up approach to this is all about . Seems to me some of yous all have ya own agendas on here now so im leaving ya with it . Enjoy ya selfs fellas and lets see how much knowlodge yous really share with the anglers who need it the most .

    I joined this site to elevate my knowlodge on fishing from my point of view there are to many egos and that NOT what fishing is about, well for me that is . I fish cause i need a place i can go to relax from the day to day stresses of work and raising a family now .

  3. #48

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    hit the nail on the head nipsta, we saw the DEAD STUMP smoking when we drove past. it was a dead stump. not a living tree or animal.

    alphas, mate you have issues. have you ever put a piece of wood on a fire? set alight a match stick? driven your car up the highway? stood on an ant? burning a dead stump has no more impact on the environment or animal life than any of these things.

    it was a prank gone wrong and he is obviously sorry about it. why those are writing on here that you will never post on this website again, over this, is beyond me. have a think about what stupid shit you have done in the past. i guarantee all of you have done something worse than burn a dead stump. there are obviously some previous issues here between members as i can not see how this has escalated to where it is now.

    we had our first trip to the cm meeting a few weeks ago and looking forward to seeing everyone again at the muster. from what i can gather a great bunch of people.

    cheers, aaran.

  4. #49
    Ausfish Platinum Member warrior's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    hidden agendas ,egoes and awsome info it all goes with the territory,this site has some great info for me and will have in future there are some more important things in life than burnin a stump,like losing a beautiful person at 30 last month in my family to cancer, get over it all and live life ,you dont know when you will get the CALL .some people have not enough things in their life to occupy there time than bag and pick on useless subjects

  5. #50

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    Nice one sport...
    Not only have you tarnished your own reputation,Your actions are also having repercussions toward the crew,And to each and every member of this site.We all cop it when Ausfish is mentioned in conjunction with this act.When Ausfish gets mentioned,It's every member being dragged in.Freswater,Saltwater,Rod building,Modderators.Maybe even site sponsors.Weather they like it or not.Thanks!

    And the thing that gets me the most,It's also the reputation of unattached,Innocent fisherpersons in general.People that don't even own a computer will be frowned upon.The discrimination won't stop here. That's NOT cool.

    It's my experience that locals know what's going on on their waterway,And if anyones really intune with what's happening there,It's them.For Magela to mention a nest in that tree.I'd think that one used to be present.

    Shame if there were chicks in there.

    I hope a bird flys over your house and drops a lit smoke on ya roof and it burns to the ground.

    Regards. B8.
    Last edited by Fitzy; 12-07-2010 at 09:28 PM. Reason: veiled swearing
    The underlying spirit of angling,Is that the skill of the angler,Is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish,And that the latter is entitled to an even chance for his life. Regards, Hardb8.Kickin tails and razin scales since 1979.

  6. #51
    Ausfish Silver Member jayvee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    So nagg did you set fire to a dead stump or the local pub?? judging by the way some ppl are reacting here you'd think it was the pub!! "I FOR ONE WONT BE POSTING ON THIS SITE AGAIN" <------thats just laughable, talk about over an over reaction!

    i for 1 wont be hanging nagg out to dry or "not posting" on AF anymore over something as small as this, aus has more important things to worry about ppl.

    No love its not new...i've had that reel for ages

  7. #52

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    Definately a learning opportunity, although unfortunately there will be many that will not see the lesson I am afraid.

    While I am appalled at the action there is some shimmer of light in the apology, its the future actions that will really show whether there is truly remorse.

    I can only hope those involved see the impact of such a decision and work hard now to foster some goodwill for us in the wider community.

    We have enough bad (ill informed? extremist?) press already from those outside of our recreation without adding to it from within.

    All of us have the responsibility of showing our recreation in a good positive light, by acting with integrity, by fostering the love of fishing and outdoors lifestyle in others especially the newer generations.

    It is never too late to clean up the mess around us, be that the rubbish left in favourite fishing location or to work with words and actions on a political level, we all share the responsibility for this.

    The past can not be change but we must make better decision for the future.

    If it's not fun, don't do it!

  8. #53
    Ausfish Silver Member alphas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    Just remember who is at fault here.

    Instead of throwing shit at me from behind a keyboard,call 0413022287

    The flow on impact from this incident will be interesting.

    I for one wish to not further sully this sites name,so please text or call if anyone has any issues with me.

    Can't be any more clearer on concise than that.

  9. #54

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    Quote Originally Posted by LostNearBribie View Post
    That is a mighty looking bird.
    Nice work Matt.
    The other bad thing that came from it, was the fact the two main limbs were floating around that area for the next few days.
    Wouldn't want to collect one of them at speed.
    Obviously we know a little bit more on the subject than most do we? No mention of floating limbs til this gem.Not condoning the act and from my point of view the floaters are the worst result,especially in low light.
    Foxie,was there a nest in the tree or not???

  10. #55
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    !!NEWS FLASH!!

    There will be full report on 60min tonight!!!
    Come on you fools, it was a dead tree, he is an idiot yes but there is more important things to be concerned about. Another digger dies in Afghanistan (RIP
    Private Nathan Bewes) but you guys are more concerned about stringing up someone who has admitted setting a dead tree on fire and that it was a stupid and senseless thing to do. Let it go.

  11. #56

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    It seems people are happy with the version it was just a stump in the middle of the Lake , So its all OK and a bit of fun to boot , and that others are just over - eacting.
    I have been told by Ausfish members that the nest was checked and it had no Birds in it , so was then deemed OK to burn.
    I was told the act was fuelled by alchohol and petrol to get it going , I was also told that photos where taken and a few other members got a few laughs from it ( as far we are concerned all as guilty as those who lit the match).
    Now if this was not true why are other AF members saying it ?????????????????
    All the locals up here are really PISSED OFF
    There has been thread after thread written by you Aus fish guys on how people should behave up at Mondy and there has been plenty of bagging of us Locals ,whether it be the Pub owner who guides ,the guy who runs the camp grounds or a local who also has a Bass boat , who supposedly runs a backyard guiding business ( yeah that's me according to some of you guys ).

    EDIT by Fitzy. The line with the link has been removed. Warning given.
    The person/s who did it , those who support it and those who deny it and try to smooth things over have just reinforced that view.
    I know all members shouldn't be tarred with this brush. To those I would suggest you consider peeling the AF sticker off your boat , as it has become a target and anyone with one, will watched like a Hawk ,pardon the pun.
    I won't go into how wrong this all is and what I think now of those involved.
    A very sad event that has damaged AF maybe beyond repair.
    It now seems the Boomerang of bagging and preaching has returned and smacked a few heads.
    Last edited by Fitzy; 12-07-2010 at 09:22 PM. Reason: stupid & inappropriate link

  12. #57

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    Some things will never change. The dumb just seem to get dumber.

    To those just finding their feet on our Barra Dams - Welcome to Impoundment Barra in 2010. What a f*#king joke. You can all have it.


    Theo Davis
    Lake Tinaroo, FNQ

  13. #58

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    Quote Originally Posted by aussiebasser View Post
    What did you have to pour on it to get it burning?

    2 Options

    To get a solid mass surrounded by water burning without a huge pile of kindling would only leave one option.

    Several litres of accelerant like Petrol to be spilt over a tree and in the water.
    Then set alight.

    Option 2

    If you had a pile of kindling a couple of metres high which tapered nicely from a narrow base to a wide top with air pockets in between to fuel the fire this would work a treat. One or two structures come to mind.

    Under the forestry or local council act is this habitat degridation?
    Like chopping down a tree without a permit?
    Anyone here know the law of the land?

    Can people be charged for these Bogan acts?

    Cheers Lyndon
    Last edited by SeekingBarradise; 11-07-2010 at 10:51 PM. Reason: Tripped over a 20ltr petrol drum and 2 cartons of KB

  14. #59

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    Was it an unlawful act? In Western Australia the answer would be yes, my guess would be that it would also be the same right across the country. Hardly in same vein as Deepwater Horizon, more an act of petty vandalism. However vandalism as a crime is not as socially accepted as say exceeding the open road speed limit by 10kph, it does have a stigma attached to it hence some of the posted reactions.

    What I do find concerning are the views that the tree being dead had no environmental value, therefore no harm was done. That’s not having a shot at anyone in particular it’s more about lamenting the fact that too many people who should have a better understanding because of their association with the water still do not appreciate or fully understand the environmental basics that surround them whilst on it.

    The dead tree is one of many on the dam as a live tree is one of many in a forest. Individually of little consequence but in numbers they amount to something very significant. Dead trees in a dam are a finite resource; funnily enough try as you may you can’t grow a new one as you can replace a live tree on land. They provide roosting sites for birds and refuge and feeding sites for fish and other lake squirmies blow the water. Your lakes as a pubic environmental asset are much better off with them than without them. On that basis there should be given due respect. If one needs to be bowled over, let it be for some justified purpose rather than a prank.

    My last point would be to look at it from a local perspective as Stuart has been able to contribute. We have two lakes in our backyard. I could imagine the din something like this would stir up if it happened up here.

  15. #60

    Re: Monduran Eagle Nest Fire ?

    As has been said in earlier posts, i think people are totally missing the point. Whether it was a stump, tree or eagles nest doesn't all of a sudden make these actions ok.

    Have a think about it from this point of view and see if the long term ramifications on our Australian lifestyle don't make you say "Oh shit i didn't think of it like that, i never thought about how these actions would affect our Aussie way of life, my kids future way of life and thier kids".

    As a person living in Central Qld i love the opportunity/gift to fish a great region and it's dams. We have great fun at Awoonga. I enjoy using my fathers old camp ovens and the trusty 30 year old Billy. I've used these to teach my neices and nephews how to cook on a fire. A good dose of fire safety is thrown in with the odd marshmellow roast. I really enjoy this side of camping/fishing, in fact there is no better way to take the ice off and meet strangers than around a fireplace. All of a sudden people from all walks of life are even, relaxed and sharing of thoughts on all topics. On a recent camping trip to canarvon those that sat around the fireplace included future rocket scientists from uni (fact),
    team orange (Council & Queensland Rail) some rednecks, travellers from Yeppoon, team yellow (power pole climbers) Brisbaneites and touro's from afar. All united each night around a communal fireplace, shared bush cooking tips, recipes and stories from travels far and wide. Gold.

    If you don't camp much, and don't travel around Australia you might not know that hundreds and hundreds of parks have banned fireplaces as a result of acts of Derro-Stupidity as listed in this thread.

    Fact: At Awoonga we have been able to have fireplaces around the campsite for the last 6 years i've been going there. We have our old faithfull spots we have sat around for years. However within the last 2 months, just one person, i repeat, just one person burn't some grass in an area the size of the cut off 44 galon drum that was given to him by the managers to use for their fire. Well the burning of the grass under the drum didn't go down well, and now we have a total ban on fires unless in a designated area, which stops me, my family, my friends and thousands of travellers a year from enjoying the right to have a fireplace where they choose overlooking this great lake.

    FYI: Lake Awoonga is about 150km's from Lake Monduran.

    So if it hasn't clicked yet i don't know if it ever will. It's acts like burning stumps/eagles nests in the middle of a dam that result in a tradition like being able to enjoy a fireplace being removed from our Aussie Outdoor Culture. All from the low IQ acts (Below room temperature or shoe size) from 1 or 2 people which result in thousands of people being affected over generations with another fire ban to add to the list. Thousands of enjoyable hours deleted from history.

    Our Future: Imagine never driving into a park and smelling the smoke, the onions frying, the sausages and steak wofting over the park on sunset, the laughter and good times wtih best mates or complete strangers. Imagine having this deleted from our lakes history/camping history, hell you can't even call it camping without a fireplace, it may as well be motelling.

    Imagine if you could be the person with this as your Outdoor Fishing Legacy, your gift to thousands of good Australians? This is one of the reasons why acts like the one listed in this thread are terrible. It could affect our current way of life, and our future generations way of life, for the worse. Food for thought.

    Regards Lyndon

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