Here is a letter to the ''
I wonder if it will fall on deaf ears
Dear Sir/Madam
Over the years we have witnessed the closures of popular camping spots across South East Queensland
Access to once pristine areas such as Fraser Island Double Island point and Moreton Island have been made limited and controlled
With officials policing and controlling campers.(some not too politely)
Stradbroke Island was one of the last of the friendly camping spots with a minimum of control and the ability to freely camp on a surf beach.
The other significant feature of Stradbroke island was that we could take our dogs camping with us. Being responsible dog owners we always kept our animals under control and the local wildlife was unaffected by our presence.
The main beach camping area extending from camp ground I to 15 covers an area of approximately 16 KMS of front dune camping.
The area occupies 150 meters inland from the front dune overall it represents 0.00001% of the national park
A significant number of campers many with dogs utilise this area and as there are no facilities most of the campers are seasoned and regulars.
There is the odd occasion where the unwritten rules are not complied with and in these cases mostly rubbish, the regular campers with the help of the rangers clean the areas.
I would request that this area be preserved for the campers with the same dog access rules as there is no other camping on the south east coast where we can go.