Kyle & I hit Mondy from Thursday to Sunday during the Committee Meeting.
On Thursday the weather was crap with cold SE winds, rain squalls and low water temps. Conditions then improved over the rest of the weekend and we found water temps up to 22.5 in the still, sunny conditions.
As for the barra? Well we saw them finning, swirling, boiling & boofing but they would not touch a single offering. We fished all over the dam and threw the tackebox at them. We fished from dawn to dusk. We fished shallow, we fished deep. We fished cold water, we fished warm water - all for nearly no result.
Kyle managed four half-hearted hits over the 4 days and I got two similar hits plus a hook-up to a huge catfish in Bird Bay 20 minutes before we packed up to leave.
Kyle's run of nine consecutive trips to Mondy has now been finished with a donut on the tenth trip...
While this was easily the worst result for us in two years we still had a ball. We fished, we laughed, we met a heap of other Ausfishers, we went to two bankside BBQs and we collapsed exhausted into bed at 8.00pm every night! And for the first time ever we didn't hit a single tree!![]()
On the positive side we did find a heap of new spots that we know will produce in the warmer months...
We will be back (with bells on) for the Muster in September...
Pete & Kyle