I did actually get off for a fish this weekend against all odds,
headed off solo down the mouth, had jew on the mind but found my favourite spot occupied by a ship
fished a variety of difference spots and found it relatively quiet, picked up 2 jew, one mid-high 60s released boatside without lifting from the water as he was a bit worse for wear, and the next 71cm
got a high 30s squire and missed a good hit from a thready
i only made the effort to fish 3 or 4 spots this time, i'd also remounted my transducer and was getting more noise than before (go figure, previously it was on the same angle as the V in the hull, so shooting off to the side, i flattened it up and its throwing more noise now![]()
on the positive side, after getting Garry (spaniard_king) to service the Honda its running much better. and for less than half the price of 'that other mob' who i should really name and shame that caused the problem in the first place, so cheers Garry much appreciate the quality of service
some piccies: