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Northern Bay Snapper
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Thread: Northern Bay Snapper

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Aquarius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Northern Bay Snapper

    Howdy Ausfishers, First report for the snapper season 2010 we opened the account last night.
    Steven 78 and I have been waiting for a chance to start our usual pilgrimage to the northern bay reefs.
    Yesterday late in the afternoon we set out from Manly boat ramp in search of that elusive snapper or 3.
    Conditions crossing the bay were not to bad and we arrived at our first location just prior to sundown.
    Started a drift with the plastics and before long small squire and sweetlip gave us some entertainment.
    Nothing big here so the call was to make the move to another spot X.
    By this time the full moon was on the horizon and it was almost dark so we deployed some soft plastics to the depths hoping a monster snapper was close by.
    It wasn,t long before my certate started peeling off line at a hundred miles an hour and this brute just kept going and going !!
    Steve said i think its about time i fired up the e tec and we started to give chase.
    The drift was a very fast 3 to 4 knots and we were fast bearing down on a boat that was anchored.
    My worst fear was that the fish was going the wrap me up in the anchor rope.
    You guessed it thats exactly what happened as i could feel the line hiting on the rope but i prayed for a miracle and with Steve"s great boat skills we managed to free the fish from pending disaster.
    Guys if you were in the boat we came very close to my sincere apollogies.
    10 minutes later the fish gave up the fight and Steve netted a fat 5.2 kilo Bay/offshore snapper.
    Line class was 12 lb leader and the hook size a 3/8th 3/0.
    Would you believe the fish was caught by the top fin.
    One unlucky fish one happy angler.
    Steve had 2 hook ups but unfortunatly hooks pulled out on both occassions.
    Around 10pm the tide turned and a few small squire grabbed the plastics so we called it a night and headed back accross the bumpy bay to arrive home at 1am.
    Thanks for the trip Steve and i can,t wait till the next full moon.
    Cheers Brent.

  2. #2

    Re: Northern Bay Snapper

    Another top fish there Brent, or as Jim would say "a screamer"

    I need to wear in the drag on my new 2500 certate, do you think you and Steven can help

    Did you get a length on that beast ?? looks around 85cm

    Have to catch up soon mate, tell Steven to fire up his woodfire pizza oven

    cheers tim

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Aquarius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Northern Bay Snapper

    Hi Tim, Mate it went 75cm but was extremly fat.
    Probably one of the fatest snaps i have ever seen for its length.
    Your on for a trip soon mate and i'm sure we can get your certate drag heated up..LOL
    Yeah Steve was hoping for a snap to bake in the pizza oven.
    Jim lost a few monsters last season and is looking foward to having another crack at them in the coming months weather permitting.
    Cheers Brent

  4. #4

    Re: Northern Bay Snapper

    Thats a great way to start the seasons account. Hopefully plenty more to come. Were you using glow style Gulps at night?
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Aquarius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Northern Bay Snapper

    Hi Neil, Yes mate the glow gulps work a treat after dark.
    Steve and I thought we may have seen you in the Northern bay.
    I reckon July full moon should see the bay snaps really fire up.
    Cheers Brent

  6. #6

    Re: Northern Bay Snapper

    Nice fish and with anchor ropes and fin hooked good effort in landing it.
    Cheers Gaven

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member ddobson's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Northern Bay Snapper

    Geeze a good snap for a well sort after trip with plastics in toe. Boy can,t wait to find some spot x,s out there up north and off straddie with my new plate and taste the fight of a full blooded red. Well done boys and on a full moon to (i don,t get the good hits on a full with plastics unless you were in deeper water as 4 days before does better in the shallows) as we havn,t seen a lot of big reds come in of late. Unlucky on the puled hooks and lucky on the leader size. We all know hits on light leader but when you are on shes a diffrent story eh. Well done boyz.

  8. #8

    Re: Northern Bay Snapper

    Thanks for coming along and catching all the fish and for the warm soup

    The Etec got its first 3 year service last week it feels like yesturday i bought the boat and i had only done 204 Hours.
    Looks like I will have to head down to Fishhead and get my GLX repaired as I broke the top guide that night.

    Brent ,Tim, Jim and Neil we have to catch that 10kg fish and put it in the pizza oven

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Re: Northern Bay Snapper

    Nice Brent....... Nice........
    Catching them by the dorsal fins these days ay,
    Typical.... bloody franger throwers,
    Now........ back to that hidey hole i have been hiding in.....

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Aquarius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Northern Bay Snapper

    Quote Originally Posted by allniter View Post
    Nice Brent....... Nice........
    Catching them by the dorsal fins these days ay,
    Typical.... bloody franger throwers,
    Now........ back to that hidey hole i have been hiding in.....

    Mate i'm giving them more of a sporting chance these days.
    For my next trick i will try and hook them by the tail
    You still catching a few when you come out of that hidey hole?
    Cheers Brent

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