Signed up and will do best to get up there.
The more who can get there to show the flag, the better!
Signed up and will do best to get up there.
The more who can get there to show the flag, the better!
Signed the petition and sent the letter to Garrett from the Fraser coast website
I didn't check what number it was but I'm forwarding the petition on to all the mates who fish
Ally Jack
I had a meeting with Senator Boswell last Thursday in Gladstone and according to him, Greens have done a deal with the ALP, if The Greens give their prefernces to ALP, then ALP will gaurantee an additional 30% Marine Parks on Qld coast with no offer of compensation to affected parties
As if the greens are ever going to preference away from Labor!!!
These guys are now joined at the hip. A vote for Labor will be a vote for a green senator and a vote for the greens in house of reps will be preferenced straight back to Labor.
No doubt there is a plan for 30% no fishing zones Australia wide and the greens are too important now in the political mix, even if they are just the far left of the Labor movement, repackaged as an environmental group. on the outside and pink in the middle.
Done, the people who come up with these proposals should be given workplace drug tests.
Quality is still delivering long after you have forgotten the price.
Should have mentioned much earlier that I have signed up and will be attending.
Sun Fish Fraser Coast will also have a representative there this weekend - most likely Rob Watkins
Gotta keep the pressure on this - Scotto
Signed and email sent. Will be there tomorrow night with others. Am a little dissapointed that not even 500 people have signed the petition yet.
Sorry Guys for not attending. AS luck ( bad ) would have it, circumstances proved a brick wall.
Can someone ( Steve ? ) put up a review of the night.
Who ( of importance attended ) ?
What was the mood of the audience ?
Was there any commitment made by anybody that could do so ?
Thanks in advance..........
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Hi Phil
Meeting was a bit of a disappointment as far as numbers were concerned IMO. I think there were 4 opposition senators, AFLP rep Keith Douglas and few others. I think they were all saying the same thing, that the only real way to stop the rot was to change goverment.
Mood was as expected, a general feeling of being ignored and misled by a green led labour goverment.
I don't think there were any commitments made, no policies. Just a lot of talk about putting science back into fisheries management.
There are plans for a convoy from Gympie to Clontarf boat ramp on te 1st of August which is a sunday.. Would be good if we could arrange for convoys from say the Gold Coast and Brisbane to travel and meet up at Clontarf. I think Steve has the contact details of the person who is arranging the day.
Yep definitely dissapointing with the numbers but then how widely was it advertised? No commitments were made, not even a wif on what liberal policy will be in regards to the zones (not to be released until election mode fully kicks in). There was a Brisbane senator there and I found it interesting (in that I did not know this) that all the local seats are safe LNP seats, so Labor really has nothing to lose as far as the local area is concerned. To make a loud enough voice on the matter votes are going to have to swing in other electorates (and let it be known for the reason). I'm at work at the moment so don't have much time to write, I can remember most of what took place there and am happy to write about it if people are interested for more info and none is forthcoming.
Vegetarian - Ancient tribal slang for the village idiot that can't hunt, fish or ride.
for anyone interested, here's my recollection and thoughts on the night. I am in no way affiliated with eitherside officially. I attended the meeting due to seeing this original post on this site, I visit the region a few times a year to fish and I visit south of DI a few more times on top of that as well.
Many thanks must be given to the organisers but as I previously stated, how well or how hard was the night pushed? I stopped off at the Gympie info centre to pick up a local map of the area and asked the girl working there where the showgrounds were, she asked was I in town for the dog event? she had no idea about 'the fishing thing'. Perhaps many more that might of attended didn't either. Interesting to note that Sunfish are behind the cause as well but at least as of Sat night, their web site had not even been updated with details!
The night was meant to kick off at 6 but was pushed back to 630, maybe waiting for more people or speakers to arrive. Numbers were dissapointing, 150-200 *at most*. With 6000-7000 pop in the affected area and unknown number of fishing tourists as well as all the businesses that make a living directly or in-directly in the proposed zone.....apathy is the enemy.
I can't remember names at the best of times, so please excuse my ignorance (and spelling) in this case. The night was kicked off by a fellow from Marine QLD, outlining the proposed zones (areas for further asessment or AFAs) the story behind events and a general outline of things to come throughout the night. This was followed by a business lawyer (at least I think he was) who told about the threats to the businesses (direct and in-direct) in the area and how the govt will no doubt screw them over in relation to their livliehoods (or lack of) when all is done. Compo may or may not come to businesses affected. He then showed a few vids of interviews with business owners from Gladstone who were affected by the closures there. These got the message through but were over-long. He also talked about the in-direct affect to businesses (hotels and the like) that will suffer if people are no longer coming to the region to fish. This was followed by a gentleman from the local chamber of commerce talking about the same matters. He also handed out flyers for a protest drive from Gympie to Clontarf on the 1st of Aug.
Senator Ron Buswell was well spoken (as were the other 2 senators, but thats to be expected) talking about how he has been fighting to overturn the criminal convictions of ordinary folk busted in green zones (and the dodgy prosecutions). He also outlined the obvious that Labor has to be voted out to stop these closures. I think it was him that mentioned all the local seats are safe LNP ones so Labor has nothing to lose. The swing has to come from other electorates with the reason voiced loud as to why. He mentioned writing letters and then following that up with more letters and phone calls asking for updated information on what action is currently being taken. Not form or carbon copy letters but genuine letters of concern asking the what, when, why? these must be followed up.
This was smartly followed up by a Brisbane LNP senator (or was it gold coast??). Obviously there in relation to swinging the vote in other electorates. He reminded me a little bit of a preacher the way he spoke and gestured. He tried to get loud responses from the audience a few times but none came. At least he tried to get people passionate I guess.
Next up was a senator from the NT. He was more aligned to the commercial side of the closures but did mention the recs as well. He seemed like he knew his stuff and was probably the best spoken out of the three IMO. He talked about how the AFAs are supposed to be based on Science and consultation, neither of which has or is taking place legitimately. He told an anecdote of how when Peter Garret was questioned about these proposed zones and the effect it will have on the seafood industry (people wanting to eat fresh local product) he retorted that fish can still be imported from overseas so people "are still going to be able to eat fish, whats the problem"? Also mentioned Garret receiving some award from the WWF, just showing the ties that we're up against. PEW too, was mentioned and how they are funding the push as well. All so the greenies can all get together at some point and the aussie ones can boast they have a bigger green zone than anyone else.
AFLP member was next, he didn't speak long, just mentioned how everything to say had already been said. Wouldn't mention who they would preference either, not until election time (just as the LNP senator wouldn't talk about LNP policy on the matter).
I've probably typed way to much now and obviously much, much more was discussed but I've tried to condense it as best I can with my limited ability. Basically it came out that the AFAs are using dodgy science to back them up without the legit scientists getting a say (or listen). The consultation isn't happening. If you're a business, start sweating. If you're a rec, start looking at other places. This went further into pressure placed on surrounding areas that will not be green zones(yet) eg If you fish the beach at Teewah and soon no-one can fish the beach at Rainbow....what do you think is gonna happen there?? You reckon it's busy and fishless at school hols now??
The greens are like religious zealots, they won't stop until they absolutely get what they want and they will use whatever is at their disposal to do it. When they get it, you can bet they will just roll on to the next target. Look at the greenzones and AFAs on the east coast now, they'll eventually meet in the middleand it will *all* be locked out. They won't stop until they have it all and more, unless people step up and make their voice heard that enough is enough. 16% of the vote goes to Greens, for whatever reason. These are preferenced to Labor, who need this count to win. They will do whatever it takes to win and stay in power (jumping in the sack with greens). I don't know if LNP will be better, thats something I am going to write a few letters myself to find out. I do remember seeing Joe Hockey on TV recently saying that LNP will never be jumping in to bed with the Greens.
If you were there feel free to post up important bits I've overlooked or fill in the gaps. I will as I remember it. Hope to see more of you at the rally on the 1st!
Last edited by goat boy; 13-07-2010 at 02:22 PM. Reason: edit
Vegetarian - Ancient tribal slang for the village idiot that can't hunt, fish or ride.
Goat Boy and Mark have got it pretty right. I guess everything is still in caretaker mode till after the election now.
It was convened by Don Jones the President of Marine Qld. I think Frank Watson (Watson's Marine/Vindicator Boats) was the main organiser. I guess he has a lot to lose if the region is locked up. He obviously loves the area and you would still see him up at the Fraser Fishing Expo even when Watsons stepped back from sponsoring and Wynum Marine/Cruisecraft took over or that year or couple of years when Haines Hunter did it.
There were two local chamber of commerce guys on stage with Michael Gerity a Gympie solicitor who's law company handled a lot of the compensation claims for the GBRMPA closures but more the proffessional fishing side though all the flow on effects down to chandlery shops/refrigeration mechanics etc. when green zones come in were mentioned. There was the AFLP guy on stage from the Gold Coast and one guy (state secretary?) on the floor.
There were three opposition senators in attendance, Ron Boswell (should be well known now in fishing politics circles through all the GBRMPA stuff), a young bloke (a bit like a Baptist Preacher giving us a sermon) and then Nigel Scullion a senator from the Northern Territory.
Now he was refreshing as he was a fisherman talking to a room full of fishermen and it will be good to know he is in there doing things for fishermen on party room floors or in the Senate itself. His background is obviously commercial but he talks the talk and you just know he can walk the walk and it is not put on. He seemed pretty salt of the earth and talked off the cuff and kept everyone listening. It sounds like he got interested in politics through being a commercial rep on fishing boards and stuff where he was attending to look after his interests etc. then it was just a natural progression and he was the Chairman of some national organisation at some time. He is on the right track about science and using other management tools to look after the fishery and just locking stuff up does nothing to help the fishery. He was aware of the whole Wide Bay Bar thing too that there is only 100-120 days a year you can actually get out there and then when you do you are met with near unfishable current on the wide grounds like I had Monday night anyway.
There were 4 Cooloola councillors there including the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the local state member but Warren Truss the Federal member was an apology. The council or state guy didn't try and steal any limelight.
Fisho's I recognised in the audience included Tony Stewart of Baitrunner Charters who is very concernced about it and worried about the apathy of it at his home town of Rainbow Beach and the apathy of some of the other tourist/charter guys there. I saw Craig Tompkinson (Bush and Beach Magazine Writer and Charter Boat Skipper), Ivan Jensen (Unreel Fishing Charters and commercial fisherman), Ben Collins (Bush and Beach Magazine Editor), Steve (Appollo), Mark(Trymyluck), Keith Hall (Incredible Charters and Marine Qld Vice President) and some Powerboat Angler guys. I got a lift up with Jeff Sorrel and Pete Griffiths a couple of Bribie Island Sportfishing Club members I go way back with and Jeff has always had a big interest in fishing politics being and ex Sunfish North Moreton President, involved with the Moreton Bay Access Alliance and also heavily involved with the ANSA State Executive.
This is from the MQ newsletter.
Marine Queensland conducted a community forum in Gympie on Saturday 10 July to brief the local community on the Area For Further Assessment in the Fraser Coast region.
Speakers on the night included Peter Todd from the local Chamber of Commerce, Michael Garrahy representing the local commercial fishing sector, Scott Elms representing the Tin Can Bay Chamber of Commerce as well as Senator Boswell, Senator Mason and Senator Scullion from the Northern Territory. Approximately 400 people attended the forum.
The strong level of local interest reinforced the importance of engaging with local communities on such proposals and the essential nature of including social and economic considerations when considering proposals for marine protection areas. It further highlighted the need for Government to access local knowledge to develop local solutions for contemporary environmental management practice.
An important feature released on the night was a map of the areas for further assessment right around Australia(click here). This highlights the scope of this process and the totally inadequate consultation with communities right around Australia.