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Interesting and somewhat sad state of affairs and the very thing that we were warning about years ago when the reef was under seige and the SE corner had, to a large degree, adopted a NIMBY attitude towards what was happening. In "the north" we managed (we being the collective rec fishing community NOT TFPQ) 30,000 individual submissions, 4000 people turning up at meetings, blockades of roads and ports and ultimately, when that didn't work we joined the "main game" and took the one action which actually makes these pricks take any notice....take away their votes...& not just take them away but it wasn't until we realised just how valuable votes...collected and traded actually are that we made any impact.
I would suggest that HAD we been an active "party" before the 2004 rezoning, RAP would never have happened. The libs/Nats changed their tune, not from some sense of moral conviction and any sudden realisation that they should be looking after us. It was, is and will always be about getting into and keeping power.
Labor are not the enemy of rec fishing but they are the natural bedfellows of the greens. I don't think we will ever get a fair go from Labor again because we know we will never get a fair go from the greens. The green vote is too important to the left. The only hope for the long term future of rec fishing (politically) is to make ourselves as important to the right, and then have them in power. A real big problem with this position is that we are (as a majority) a pretty blue collar sport and if a poll was run (across the spectrum of rec fishing, not this web site) fishos would be a majority labor voting block. It was one of the reasons "we" (as in TFPQ) were "valuable" to the right. We "collected" labor votes and redistributed them to the right............whereas someone like Hanson or Family First just took Lib Votes away further to the right and then just gave them back again (preferences).
To the same degree the greens have become important because they collect votes from the leafey suburbs who would normally be right voters and redirect them to the left.
The ability of a political minnow (like TFPQ/AFLP) to shift the voting pattern of the outdoor recreational sector makes it far more important and powerful than your typical minor party and along with the shooters can post a big number and shift the status quo...but its only value is if it shifts this from the left to the right.
Look at what happened with the red head last week. Krudds numbers had fallen, Abbots had stayed steady and the greens were crowing about 16%. Now Gillard is back up to 53%, Abott is still steady and the greens vote if back to 7%. It achieved nothing on a 2 party preferred.
"We" got sabotaged at the last election because we were getting too big for our boots. It wasn't dopey Bob Smith who dudded "us", nor egomanics in Brisbane too silly to even understand the political system. "We" got stiched up by a major party who made sure the fishing vote was split and ceased to be relavent and those who sided to bring down the vote ultimately stuffed up the biggest chance the rec fishing community had to really make a political statement. All the "outdoor" votes still ended up on the right but they trickled there in dribs and drabs rather than as a co-ordinated powerful block. The nats got what they wanted (the last Qld Senate seat) but "we" got emasclated along the way.
I am aware that AFLP is moving forward, albeit to the beat of a different drum and maybe has a more "behind the scenes" attitude. (Not a style anyone would ever have accussed me of having)
Hopefully they will start getting a bit more profile in the election lead up but IMO it should have been going flat out since last years AGM.
I also know the Shooters and Fishers Party is in the marketplace but also seem pretty quiet (at least in QLD). As a voting block at the last election the fishers and shooters vote combined was over 50,000 and with a few good preference deals can make an enourmous difference but at this stage I have no idea what deals have or are being done....but I have grave concerns that they won't work together.
If I had one piece of advice it would be (unfortunately) lobbying, petitions, public meetings all amount to nothing UNLESS you back it up with co-ordinated political activism and VOTES, VOTES and more VOTES.
I will again pull out of this as there is nothing worse than a bitter and twisted old has been snipping from the sidelines but I think the only hope of a fair go for the future of recreational fishing and outdoor recreation in general is for a strong co-ordinated block of outdoors votes & a conservative government. This may fix our fishing but not some of the other major issues facing us into the future.