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Thread: "todays posts"

  1. #16

    Re: "todays posts"

    Because of the crash everything is rebooted and has hopefully been cleaned up as well.
    There are still some gremlins but hopefully things will be as they should be. (For a time at least until the next lot of gremlins strike)

  2. #17

    Re: "todays posts"


    The "todays posts"has gone again. Not sure if it is something to do with me?

    Appeared after your crash and reboot but has since gone walkies again

    Makes it hard to look at all the posts of the day especially when with a computer that when I go tp the page looks up new posts . If I haven't read a posts then I don't read them unless I go to each individual forum


  3. #18

    Re: "todays posts"

    Hey Cormorant,
    Try clicking on the "Mark Forums Read' link,
    then click on the "New Posts" link
    this should bring up a bulletin message that gives you the option of reading all updated threads in the last 24hrs.

  4. #19

    Re: "todays posts"

    Thanks Marto .

    Yeah I worked that one out , took me a while but still liked the "todays posts "one a sit showed teh ones you had actually looked at and so on.

    Just odd something disappears off teh tabs menu


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