Just got back from a trip up to Cape York. We had some usual fun getting a nice meal of Cherapin ( Freshwater prawns) and a good run of Sooty Grunter on the Archer River. We were land based.
Only other place we fished with any success was at Chilli Beach one night where we caught a nice keeper Mangrove Jack and a 90 cm shark.
The Sootys were beaut to eat. We scaled them , then took a fillet off one side keeping the wing attached to the fillet and then dipped into flour with curry powder mixed in.
You then fry them crispy gold in a pan and munch away with fresh salad.
The fish in the pic ranged from 29 cm to 42 cm. Legal size is 28cm.
Also caught freshwater tarpon, catfish and eel tailed catfish in the session.