hey fellas
well its been a while between drinks for myself both in terms of fishing and ausfish due to a pretty hectic period. however i am raring to get back into it now ill have a bit more time on my hands and as such have invested in a flash new HDS structure scanner as my old sounder had nothing.
Could the gurus amongst us please provide advice on where i should be positioning the thing?
I really want it to be able to show bottom at speed, and bait balls at speed would also be nice. My previous sounder - a hbird matrix 12 did not do this- whether it wasnt good enough or it was the positioning of the tranny i dont know.
The first couple of pics with it quite low are of the way i had the old one. This did not show bottom and threw up a bit of a rooster tail which im lead to believe is a result of it being to low.
The next few pics show my new setup with the structure scanner and normal sonar where i am thinking I will put them. Do you think this positioning will be okay as I would like to get it as close to perfect as possible first go. Are the two to close together? Higher/Lower/sideways? Do you think the step I have them on will be okay or would i be better off attaching closer to the centre straight onto the transom? Only problem with that i think is theyll be to close to the engine.
On a side not is running the cable to the unit head with other electrics cables a big deal?- i know the manual says its a no no but i really dont have anywhere else convenient to run it.
Sorry about the tape and hands in the photos- necessary to illustrate positioning without having to screw the trannys down.