MoretonBayMarinePark Artificial Reefs
About 440tons of Concrete pipes will be placed in 4 different positions at Harry Atkinson Reef by the end of June 2010.
These pipes were “
materials of opportunity “
from a Brisbane based business and the QPWS has taken up this offer to further enhance the structure within the Harry Atkinson Artificial Reef area. Specific co-ordinates for the pipes will be made available on the QPWS website in the near future.
This is a bonus for recreational anglers of Moreton Bay in that the costs of this exercise were minimal and allows for more materials and structures to be obtained or built within the budget.
An EOI ( expression of interest ) document has been released by QPWS for the design, construction and possible placement of purpose built artificial reefs other nominated sites within the MBMP. This process should have a result by mid July with construction of the structures starting asap.
There have been 2 other sites ratified within the park and are specifically designed for the small vessel / kayak fishermen, that being very close to the mainland and in a position as to allow fishing in moderate weather conditions. These sites are near Coochimudlo and Peel Islands.
It is envisaged that
should more materials of opportunity arise and the budget allows,
a small artificial reef could be placed within the Ted Smout bridge fishing platform area.
A huge win for recreational anglers and QPWS is the gifting of all concrete pylons from the old ‘ Hornibrook Highway “ bridge. This offer is well received by all stakeholders in the working group and represents a minimum of 4200 tons and maximum of 7000 tons. Removal and deployment of this material will take place asap.
The QPWS hopes to have all artificial reefs completed to budget by March 2011. The sites are:-
Wild Banks
North Moreton
South Straddie
Harry Atkinson
West Peel
East Coochie
Possibly Ted Smout.
For further information please contact me.
Phill Kliese
Assistant Secretary
ECOfishers Qld Inc.