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Suzuki reference thread.
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Thread: Suzuki reference thread.

  1. #1

    Suzuki reference thread.

    Eversince Ozscotts thread/poll about engine failure I've been thinking about the usefullness of having a quick reference thread on motors owned by forum members. I thought it would be worthwhile to have some threads where anyone can gather some usefull info about any particular motor along these types of lines..

    DF 70 four stroke 2000 mdl on a HH16r standard prop.

    I've owned the motor for nearly a year. Its done nearly 400hrs mainly fresh water use. From what I know it has had no issues and I couldn't be more happy with it. I get a bit over 60kph out of it two up with full fuel load. I will be taking it in for a service soon so I'll come back with the cost later. Economy is about twice that, if not more, of my old 115 yami.


    Anyone with a Zuk who would like to add some info?

    Thanks and Cheers
    Last edited by Jarrah Jack; 23-06-2010 at 10:00 AM. Reason: simplicity

  2. #2

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    Good idea! Here we go...

    2009 Suzuki DF115 on a Surtees 5.5 Workmate plate boat
    Only done 18 hours so far but runs beautifully.

    Mine is fitted with a 14 x 20 inch Suzuki SS prop, but will be talking to my dealer about going to a 21/22 as she pulls 6200rpm at present, doing 65km/hr. I think maybe a bit more pitch will keep the revs to around 6000 and achieve some more mid-range speed and economy.

    Currently fuel economy running at around 2.1 - 2.2 km/litre, but am still calibrating the engine interface to the Lowrance HDS so will see how that settles down in the future.



  3. #3

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    DF150 Zuke on my 6m Maxi Fisher. Done 431 hrs without fault. Will sit on 4000rpm and give me 22 knots at 1nm/litre in most offshore conditions and better in the bay with the tide.

    Had a DF140 on my old centre cab Pacific Sportfish and did over 500 trouble free hours with it. That donk turned a 130/40 litre trolling day at hutchies and the the trench into a 69 litre effort. Replaced a 2 stroke Yammie 115 on that boat. (good reliable engine but always a bitch to start first thing)

  4. #4

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    I own a yam, but the VMR boat I work on has 2 225hp zukes that are up around 1700 hours from memory. Pretty good motors that have towed in some pretty big boats over the years. The only down time they have had is during the service, other than that one motor had a leaky trim pump seal once many years ago.

  5. #5

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    I'll give this idea a bit of a bump as there must be more Zuk owners out there.

  6. #6

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    I own a Dt30 elect start suzuki worked every 2nd week end not had any trouble yet would reccomend to anyone and good on fuel to.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Silver Member hakuna's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    Twin 115 nov 2009 4stroke zukes, 70 hours each, on 7m Goldstar excalabur plate, average on the fuel flow meters 2.5km/lt each motor, no problems
    top speed 72km/hr


  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    have Suzy 175 2006 4 stroke, No problemo ever 15x21 Suzy prop on my Yalta 0dessa 6m top speed 74 km hr cruise 4500 rpm @ 52-53 km /hr Yields 1.7 -1.8 kms per litre in all conditions

  9. #9
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    I have a DF140.
    Have'nt calibrated the fuel flow with the current interface, but I get 1.6 - 1.9 K/Lt 0n Barcrusher 6.1 (580). SS prop 19"
    The only trouble I've had is the oil cooler replacement @ 300Hrs. Since thenI've used MACS & just pulled the new one apart (400 hrs) & is clean as except for one tiny "salt" spot. Top speed smooth water down hill is 32knots.

  10. #10

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    I have a 2008 df150 mounted on a 575 cruisecraft outsider to date 200hrs trouble free starts like a dream even after sitting for months this engine replaced a di evinrude 150 the difference is amazing there is no smell, when the engine is running at idle you can hardy hear it running and at 4000rpm you can still have a consversation with the person beside you the prop is a 3 blade 16 x 21.5 this is giving me 37knots at full rpm and average 1.8 km per litre I love this motor.

  11. #11

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    I own a 09 225hp suzi on a 6m Blue Water Alloy Ocean Series Half Cabin. Formerly, i had a 150 2S Merc 08 on it. I only have 33hours on it since December last year. I had the 20 hr service which went well and only cost $310. I'm running a suzi SS prop of 16x21.5R". The tech reports my annual service should costs $550 which includes parts as well. (after all he did say the 20hrs would be $350 too..fingers crossed)

    Speeds, WOT at 6000 on a empty tub does 49knots. Under load she pulls back to 5800rpm and does 44.5. I can sit on 4000rpm and do 28 knots and 4500 34 knots.

    I have just purchased a Lowrance fuel flow gear, so will report on that asap.

    Hope this helps.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by rustymarlin View Post
    I have a 2008 df150 mounted on a 575 cruisecraft outsider to date 200hrs trouble free starts like a dream even after sitting for months this engine replaced a di evinrude 150 the difference is amazing there is no smell, when the engine is running at idle you can hardy hear it running and at 4000rpm you can still have a consversation with the person beside you the prop is a 3 blade 16 x 21.5 this is giving me 37knots at full rpm and average 1.8 km per litre I love this motor.

    Hey Rusty Marlin I'm intrigued you are spinning a 16 x 21.5 ! Can you confirm that those figures are right and is that a Suzuki prop?


  13. #13

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    I did 400 hours on a 06 DF115, on a 5.3 polycraft max speed was 33 knots at 5900 rpm with a 19x14 ali prop. Cruise was 18-19knots at 4000.

    I've got 570 hours on my 08 DF150, gets to 40 knots on a 5.3 polycraft and cruises at 25knots with a 16x20 prop. Uses less fuel the the DF115 on the same hull.

    Mates got 1100 hours on a 05 DF250 on the back of a 680 encore. Cruises at 23 knots.

    I've also got a 10 DF175 that im yet to start! hopefuly soon!

    No issues with any of these motors.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    I replaced the 200 HP Fict on my 685 cruse craft in feb 08, with a 250DF and have completed around 360 hours trouble free, average 1km / L for an outside trip and 1.2 Km / L in the Bay.

    Over the last six months have experimented with several Solas 3 and 4 blade props and have had no success and have ended up back with the origional 16 x 21.5, I am looking for a 16 x 19 suzuki prop if anyone has one for sale.

    Have had one issue when the motor. The motor cavertated on the bar on the way back in and went into safe mode (over rev).The manual states that the motor has to over rev for 3-5 seconds before going into safe mode (once in safe mode as soon as the motor hits 2000 rpm it is cut back to idle). As my hand was on the trrottle and I backed off as soon as the motor cavertated, I do not think it was anywear near 3 to 5 seconds. As soon as I came off the back of the wave I hit the throttle again to get moving and the motor went to 2000RPM and then back to idle, after this happerning 2 to 3 times we were picked up from behind from the next wave and surfed for 15 or so seconds. At this stage I did not know what the issue was and as the alarm was beeping, and the boat was facing west directly into the sun (could not see red flashing alarm) and trying to position a boat out of the surf zone on a run out tide with a motor that would cut in and out. The three possabilities that went through my mind were overheating (picked up a plastic bag), Low oil or fuel problem (water in fuel).

    After what seemed an internity (about 3 to 4 minutes) and moving all of 100 meters or so I decided to turn the motor off to try to reset it out of safe mode. Once she fired again we were away. I learnt a valuable lesson that day, READ THE MANUAL, I only realised what has sent the motor into safe mode after 6 beers in 10 minutes anchored in front pf Amity Point reading how safe mode operates.

    The above issue was not with the motor, but the operator, even though the time she over-reved was not as per the manuals time frame.


  15. #15

    Re: Suzuki reference thread.

    yes i am running a 16 X 21.5 on my 575 outsider and the figures i quoted are what i am seeing it is a suzuki 3 blade prop.It originally had a 16X23 but was overproped dropping back to the 21.5 has been spot on

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